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Mohammed receiving his first revelation from the angel Gabriel. Miniature illustration on vellum from the book Jami’ al-Tawarikh, by Rashid al-Din Ṭabib, published in Tabriz, Persia (c. 1306–15)

Muhammad was an Arabian prophet 570–632 A.D., a descendant of Abraham through Ishmael; messenger of God, the “Slave of Allah,” founder of Islam. He received from Archangel Gabriel the Sacred Book of the Koran, “The Reading” of the man who knew not how to read.

His life

Muhammad, messenger of God, was born in Mecca, in what is now Saudi Arabia. He had fifteen years of preparation and spiritual communion after his marriage and before his ministry was to begin. He became well acquainted with Allah and realized there was no God but Allah. Allah was the one true God, who has also revealed himself as the AUM, as the I AM THAT I AM, as the Father, as the Mother, as Ahura Mazda.

On the night of power and excellence, Muhammad received his commission from God, through Gabriel, to be a prophet. The only miracle Muhammad proclaimed was the Koran, which was dictated by the archangel.

His message was received with violent hostility because it meant an end to licentiousness and to the unjust economic order. The great persecution, the torture, the humiliation that followed is typical of that which comes upon those who bring a new consciousness, a new energy of God.

Muhammad and his followers fought for their right to return to their home, Mecca, and soon they conquered the land and the people. In 632 A.D. Muhammad died with virtually all of Arabia under his control.

The teachings of Muhammad

Islam assumes that the bibles of Jews and Christians were also originally authentic revelations of God, and the basic theological concepts of Islam are almost identical with Judaism and Christianity:

  • One God—Allah—the immaterial, all-powerful, all pervading and benevolent
  • Creation by a deliberate act of God is, therefore, basically good
  • A belief in man’s freedom and his responsibility
  • Life on earth as the seedbed of an eternal future

The Koran emphasizes deed rather than idea; therefore, its emphasis is on the action of the Holy Spirit. Islam teaches man to walk the straight path, and there are five pillars:

  • Islam’s creed
  • Prayer
  • Charity
  • Observance of Ramadan, the holy month
  • The pilgrimage to Mecca

The frequency, the energy, the vibration, the consciousness that God imparted to Muhammad was for a specific people and their mastery of the energies of the emotions, or the solar-plexus chakra. Islam facilitates your soul-development on the sixth ray of ministration and service through that chakra.

We find that the specific requirements of the Koran and the way of life, praying five times daily, is the way which Gabriel gave, as he himself was a messenger of God, for this particular people of God to master the flame of life within and to master their energies. The story is well known of the devotion unparalleled of his followers.

This is a prayer that is found in the opening of the Koran:

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds,
The Beneficent, the Merciful,
Owner of the Day of Judgment.
Thee alone we worship: Thee alone we ask for help.
Show us the straight path,
The path of those whom Thou hast favored;
Not the path of those who are in Thine anger, nor of those who go astray.[1]

We also read in the Koran:

God is one, the eternal God; begetting not and unbegotten.
None is equal to him.[2]


Jesus and Kuthumi, Prayer and Meditation

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, July 1, 1977.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, June 27, 1992.

  1. Koran 1:1–7.
  2. Koran 112:26.