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<blockquote>Beloved ones, the story of these drugs—of marijuana, cocaine, heroin and all of the rest of the synthetic, fabricated drugs—is an ancient one. I pinpoint, therefore, the conspiracy of [[fallen angel]]s known as the [[Nephilim]] gods and as the [[Watcher]]s. I pinpoint their conspiracy to control the populations of the worlds, where they have spawned their experimental creation, their mechanization man. And therefore, in order to control their laboratory experiment, they have used all manner of devices.</blockquote>
Beloved ones, the story of these drugs—of marijuana, cocaine, heroin and all of the rest of the synthetic, fabricated drugs—is an ancient one. I pinpoint, therefore, the conspiracy of [[fallen angel]]s known as the [[Nephilim]] gods and as the [[Watcher]]s. I pinpoint their conspiracy to control the populations of the worlds, where they have spawned their experimental creation, their mechanization man. And therefore, in order to control their laboratory experiment, they have used all manner of devices.

<blockquote>Now, therefore, other nefarious powers moving against the evolution of life everywhere have seen fit to use [[mechanization man]], computerized man—plastic man, if you will—as trend-setters, jet-setters climbing after the gods and the fallen angels to tempt, to taunt and to hypnotize the seed of the [[Ancient of Days]], the seed of Christ in embodiment.</blockquote>
Now, therefore, other nefarious powers moving against the evolution of life everywhere have seen fit to use [[mechanization man]], computerized man—plastic man, if you will—as trend-setters, jet-setters climbing after the gods and the fallen angels to tempt, to taunt and to hypnotize the seed of the [[Ancient of Days]], the seed of Christ in embodiment.

<blockquote>Their end is manifold, but it centers on the desire to steal the light of the threefold flame, to draw the lightbearers down into the valleys<ref>The Second Book of Adam and Eve tells the story of the children of Jared, who were lured down the Holy Mountain of God by the children of [[Cain]], who committed all manner of abominations and serenaded them with sensual music from the valley below. Jared was a descendant of Seth, the son born to [[Adam and Eve]] after Cain slew Abel. See “Prologue on the Sons of Jared” (taken from the Second Book of Adam and Eve), in {{FAOE}}, pp. 395–407.</ref> of the pit itself where they would engage in the practices of darkness. And therefore, there are available fallen angels in embodiment to demonstrate the “way that seemeth right”—to provide the drugs, to direct the processing and to draw mechanization man into the entire conspiracy as they are set up as storefront manikins to be copied by the children of the light....</blockquote>
Their end is manifold, but it centers on the desire to steal the light of the threefold flame, to draw the lightbearers down into the valleys<ref>The Second Book of Adam and Eve tells the story of the children of Jared, who were lured down the Holy Mountain of God by the children of [[Cain]], who committed all manner of abominations and serenaded them with sensual music from the valley below. Jared was a descendant of Seth, the son born to [[Adam and Eve]] after Cain slew Abel. See “Prologue on the Sons of Jared” (taken from the Second Book of Adam and Eve), in {{FAOE}}, pp. 395–407.</ref> of the pit itself where they would engage in the practices of darkness. And therefore, there are available fallen angels in embodiment to demonstrate the “way that seemeth right”—to provide the drugs, to direct the processing and to draw mechanization man into the entire conspiracy as they are set up as storefront manikins to be copied by the children of the light....

<blockquote>I come ... so that you will understand that the original conspiracy against the lightbearers and the various evolutions and creations that began long, long ago with the fall of the fallen angels did begin and have its origin with a chemical manipulation and a [[Genetic engineering|genetic manipulation]], and did come about not only through this vein of addiction and the supplying of the people with all manner of stimulants, but with other modes of conspiracy, thereby to limit the extent of the people to rise, to take dominion over their destiny, to make contact with the octaves of light, or to in any way challenge the fallen angels.<ref>Saint Germain, “The Ancient Story of the Drug Conspiracy,” {{POWref|27|32|, June 10, 1984}}</ref></blockquote>
I come ... so that you will understand that the original conspiracy against the lightbearers and the various evolutions and creations that began long, long ago with the fall of the fallen angels did begin and have its origin with a chemical manipulation and a [[Genetic engineering|genetic manipulation]], and did come about not only through this vein of addiction and the supplying of the people with all manner of stimulants, but with other modes of conspiracy, thereby to limit the extent of the people to rise, to take dominion over their destiny, to make contact with the octaves of light, or to in any way challenge the fallen angels.<ref>Saint Germain, “The Ancient Story of the Drug Conspiracy,” {{POWref|27|32|, June 10, 1984}}</ref>

== Healing the effects of drugs == <!--T:53-->
== Healing the effects of drugs == <!--T:53-->
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<blockquote>For indeed the sacred fire can heal those cells and those points, those electrodes placed by God within the brain. And therefore it becomes of a paramount necessity that students of the light go forth with this teaching to the youth of the world, to those who realize the folly of their involvements with the psychic and who desire to return to the Path.</blockquote> 
For indeed the sacred fire can heal those cells and those points, those electrodes placed by God within the brain. And therefore it becomes of a paramount necessity that students of the light go forth with this teaching to the youth of the world, to those who realize the folly of their involvements with the psychic and who desire to return to the Path.  

<blockquote>These must have an awareness of the sacred fire, for the [[Lords of Karma]] have decreed the dispensation this year that any child of God and any sincere one who has been duped by the drug culture might return to the pristine estate that he had when he came into this embodiment by invocation to the sacred fire, to the healing flame and by petitioning for mercy from the Lords of Karma.</blockquote> 
These must have an awareness of the sacred fire, for the [[Lords of Karma]] have decreed the dispensation this year that any child of God and any sincere one who has been duped by the drug culture might return to the pristine estate that he had when he came into this embodiment by invocation to the sacred fire, to the healing flame and by petitioning for mercy from the Lords of Karma.  

<blockquote>For God is not an avenger of his children, and he does not desire to punish them with eternal damnation. This is the lie of the serpentine force. Our God is a consuming fire;<ref>Heb. 12:29.</ref> he is no respecter of persons nor does he dwell upon the iniquities that have entered the hearts of men, and therefore mercy goeth forth. But how can it be implemented?</blockquote>
For God is not an avenger of his children, and he does not desire to punish them with eternal damnation. This is the lie of the serpentine force. Our God is a consuming fire;<ref>Heb. 12:29.</ref> he is no respecter of persons nor does he dwell upon the iniquities that have entered the hearts of men, and therefore mercy goeth forth. But how can it be implemented?

<blockquote>You see, precious hearts, it requires contact with the sacred fire to rebuild the cells and atoms and the perfect design of the Christ mind and the layers of manifestation surrounding each of the chakras that have been forced open through this culture.<ref>Lady Master Leto, January 2, 1972.</ref></blockquote>
You see, precious hearts, it requires contact with the sacred fire to rebuild the cells and atoms and the perfect design of the Christ mind and the layers of manifestation surrounding each of the chakras that have been forced open through this culture.<ref>Lady Master Leto, January 2, 1972.</ref>

== Sources == <!--T:62-->
== Sources == <!--T:62-->