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<blockquote>If you could but reach out your hand and touch mine! You can almost ''feel'' that there is very little between us, beloved ones. Very little is the line between the angelic hosts and mankind. As you give your prayers, as you are in your beds at night, realize that simply by a touch, by a thought, by a point of light, we are in your presence.</blockquote>
If you could but reach out your hand and touch mine! You can almost ''feel'' that there is very little between us, beloved ones. Very little is the line between the angelic hosts and mankind. As you give your prayers, as you are in your beds at night, realize that simply by a touch, by a thought, by a point of light, we are in your presence.

<blockquote>And if you will ask, beloved ones, that the Electronic Presence of the master of your choice be superimposed over your form before you go to sleep at night, you will find that throughout the hours of rest, all of the momentums of light of that ascended being can be absorbed into your consciousness, into your [[Special:MyLanguage/four lower bodies|four lower bodies]] by the power of the electrode upon the spine—the ascending and descending currents of God that formulate the magnetic forcefield which is the focus of the great cycles of infinity within your very own Presence.</blockquote>
And if you will ask, beloved ones, that the Electronic Presence of the master of your choice be superimposed over your form before you go to sleep at night, you will find that throughout the hours of rest, all of the momentums of light of that ascended being can be absorbed into your consciousness, into your [[Special:MyLanguage/four lower bodies|four lower bodies]] by the power of the electrode upon the spine—the ascending and descending currents of God that formulate the magnetic forcefield which is the focus of the great cycles of infinity within your very own Presence.

<blockquote>Realize what this can mean for you, beloved ones! Ere you go to sleep at night, if you say, “Beloved Father, beloved Jesus the Christ, send me the Electronic Presence of yourself, and let that duplicate of your image rest over me and through me and in me while my body sleeps,” you will waken, then, with the Spirit of the resurrection flame within you as Christ awakened on Easter morning. And you will find that within you, you have the full pulsation of that mighty flame that is his full-gathered momentum of the victory of the ascension currents.</blockquote>
Realize what this can mean for you, beloved ones! Ere you go to sleep at night, if you say, “Beloved Father, beloved Jesus the Christ, send me the Electronic Presence of yourself, and let that duplicate of your image rest over me and through me and in me while my body sleeps,” you will waken, then, with the Spirit of the resurrection flame within you as Christ awakened on Easter morning. And you will find that within you, you have the full pulsation of that mighty flame that is his full-gathered momentum of the victory of the ascension currents.

<blockquote>Do you see what this can mean to you, beloved ones, if systematically you make a list for yourself of all the known members of the hierarchy and then each night call to a different master, make supplication to the flame on which he serves, and then ask that that be imbibed by you? You will find that you will be prepared, then, to go forth as teachers, ministers and preachers of the Word and that you will be given mighty assistance that otherwise might take many generations for you to develop through your own inner training and through simply the application to your own heart flame without the assistance of the momentum of the beings of light.</blockquote>
Do you see what this can mean to you, beloved ones, if systematically you make a list for yourself of all the known members of the hierarchy and then each night call to a different master, make supplication to the flame on which he serves, and then ask that that be imbibed by you? You will find that you will be prepared, then, to go forth as teachers, ministers and preachers of the Word and that you will be given mighty assistance that otherwise might take many generations for you to develop through your own inner training and through simply the application to your own heart flame without the assistance of the momentum of the beings of light.

<blockquote>Will you do this with me this year, each of the three hundred sixty-five days that are to come? Will you do this, beloved ones? Stand and pledge yourselves to the light, and realize that as your Cosmic Mother I will amplify whatever calls you make. For I am pledging myself this year, as part of my dedication unto mankind, that every call that is made in my name shall have the full-gathered momentum of my service and even more. A special dispensation has been given to me by the great Karmic Board whereby I may assist the lifestreams of this earth. And so, beloved ones, those of you who know to make the call in my name, amplify the power of that flame and let it be released through all mankind. For in his Spirit is the victory of the light.<ref>Mother Mary, December 31, 1967, “The Key to Opportunity,” in {{MMN}}, pp. 324–25.</ref></blockquote>
Will you do this with me this year, each of the three hundred sixty-five days that are to come? Will you do this, beloved ones? Stand and pledge yourselves to the light, and realize that as your Cosmic Mother I will amplify whatever calls you make. For I am pledging myself this year, as part of my dedication unto mankind, that every call that is made in my name shall have the full-gathered momentum of my service and even more. A special dispensation has been given to me by the great Karmic Board whereby I may assist the lifestreams of this earth. And so, beloved ones, those of you who know to make the call in my name, amplify the power of that flame and let it be released through all mankind. For in his Spirit is the victory of the light.<ref>Mother Mary, December 31, 1967, “The Key to Opportunity,” in {{MMN}}, pp. 324–25.</ref>

== Lanello’s Presence == <!--T:14-->
== Lanello’s Presence == <!--T:14-->