(Created page with "Gráfica de tu Yo Divino") |
(Created page with "Cuerpo de la Primera Causa; siete esferas concéntricas de luz y conciencia que rodean a la Special:MyLanguage/Presencia YO SOY en los planos del Special:MyLanguage/Spir...") |
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[[File:ChartofYourDivineSelf.jpg|thumb|alt=caption|Gráfica de tu Yo Divino]] | [[File:ChartofYourDivineSelf.jpg|thumb|alt=caption|Gráfica de tu Yo Divino]] | ||
Cuerpo de la Primera Causa; siete esferas concéntricas de luz y conciencia que rodean a la [[Special:MyLanguage/Presencia YO SOY]] en los planos del [[Special:MyLanguage/Spirit|Espíritu]], cuya energía acumulada, a la que cabe añadir lo Bueno —palabra y obras del Señor manifestadas por el [[Special:MyLanguage/soul|alma]] en todas sus vidas pasadas—, es accesible hoy a cada momento, según la necesitemos. Nuestros recursos espirituales y nuestra creatividad —talentos, gracias, dones y genio, almacenados gracias al servicio ejemplar en los [[Special:MyLanguage/seven rays|siete rayos]]— pueden ser atraídos del cuerpo causal invocando a la Presencia yo soy en nombre del [[Special:MyLanguage/Christ Self|Yo Crístico]]. | |||
The causal body is the place where we “lay up treasure in heaven”<ref>Matt. 6:19–21.</ref>—the storehouse of every good and perfect thing that is a part of our true identity. In addition, the great spheres of the Causal Body are the dwelling place of the Most High God to which [[Jesus]] referred when he said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions.... I go to prepare a place for you.... I will come again and receive you unto myself; that where I AM [where I, the incarnate Christ, AM in the I AM Presence], there ye may be also.”<ref>John 14:2, 3.</ref> | The causal body is the place where we “lay up treasure in heaven”<ref>Matt. 6:19–21.</ref>—the storehouse of every good and perfect thing that is a part of our true identity. In addition, the great spheres of the Causal Body are the dwelling place of the Most High God to which [[Jesus]] referred when he said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions.... I go to prepare a place for you.... I will come again and receive you unto myself; that where I AM [where I, the incarnate Christ, AM in the I AM Presence], there ye may be also.”<ref>John 14:2, 3.</ref> |