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(Created page with "Cuerpo de la Primera Causa; siete esferas concéntricas de luz y conciencia que rodean a la Special:MyLanguage/Presencia YO SOY en los planos del Special:MyLanguage/Spir...")
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[[File:ChartofYourDivineSelf.jpg|thumb|alt=caption|Gráfica de tu Yo Divino]]
[[File:ChartofYourDivineSelf.jpg|thumb|alt=caption|Gráfica de tu Yo Divino]]

The body of First Cause; seven concentric spheres of light and consciousness surrounding the [[I AM Presence]] in the planes of Spirit, whose momentums, added to by the Good—the Lord’s Word and Works manifested by the [[soul]] in all past lives—are accessible today, moment by moment as we need them. One’s spiritual resources and creativity—talents, graces, gifts and genius, garnered through exemplary service on the seven rays—may be drawn forth from the Causal Body through invocation made to the I AM Presence in the name of the [[Christ Self]].  
Cuerpo de la Primera Causa; siete esferas concéntricas de luz y conciencia que rodean a la [[Special:MyLanguage/Presencia YO SOY]] en los planos del [[Special:MyLanguage/Spirit|Espíritu]], cuya energía acumulada, a la que cabe añadir lo Bueno —palabra y obras del Señor manifestadas por el [[Special:MyLanguage/soul|alma]] en todas sus vidas pasadas—, es accesible hoy a cada momento, según la necesitemos. Nuestros recursos espirituales y nuestra creatividad —talentos, gracias, dones y genio, almacenados gracias al servicio ejemplar en los [[Special:MyLanguage/seven rays|siete rayos]]— pueden ser atraídos del cuerpo causal invocando a la Presencia yo soy en nombre del [[Special:MyLanguage/Christ Self|Yo Crístico]].  

The causal body is the place where we “lay up treasure in heaven”<ref>Matt. 6:19–21.</ref>—the storehouse of every good and perfect thing that is a part of our true identity. In addition, the great spheres of the Causal Body are the dwelling place of the Most High God to which [[Jesus]] referred when he said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions.... I go to prepare a place for you.... I will come again and receive you unto myself; that where I AM [where I, the incarnate Christ, AM in the I AM Presence], there ye may be also.”<ref>John 14:2, 3.</ref>
The causal body is the place where we “lay up treasure in heaven”<ref>Matt. 6:19–21.</ref>—the storehouse of every good and perfect thing that is a part of our true identity. In addition, the great spheres of the Causal Body are the dwelling place of the Most High God to which [[Jesus]] referred when he said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions.... I go to prepare a place for you.... I will come again and receive you unto myself; that where I AM [where I, the incarnate Christ, AM in the I AM Presence], there ye may be also.”<ref>John 14:2, 3.</ref>