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[[File:Carter, Sadat, and Begin at the Peace Treaty Signing, March 26, 1979 (10729561495).jpg|thumb|The peace initiative begun when Sadat addressed the Israeli Knesset culminated in the signing of a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt in Washington D.C. on March 26, 1979. Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin with U.S. President Jimmy Carter.]]
[[File:Carter, Sadat, and Begin at the Peace Treaty Signing, March 26, 1979 (10729561495).jpg|thumb|The peace initiative begun when Sadat addressed the Israeli Knesset culminated in the signing of a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt in Washington D.C. on March 26, 1979. Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin with U.S. President Jimmy Carter.]]

Beloved ones, when people can see the moving stream of consciousness in time and space as the relative good and evil, when people can worship at the altar of the Elohim of Peace and resolve to conform all human events to peace with honor, then that comeasurement will release to them from the mind of God, as Peres said, answers which were not thought of a few moments or a few hours before. Therefore in deliberation, in negotiation, in meditation, and in prayer, let those who have seen enough of war come to our council table, come to the Darjeeling Council, and review not only current events but the records of karma which manifest today as cosmic justice in the Middle East and yet appear to some to be injustice.
Beloved ones, when people can see the moving stream of consciousness in time and space as the relative good and evil, when people can worship at the altar of the [[Elohim of Peace]] and resolve to conform all human events to peace with honor, then that comeasurement will release to them from the mind of God, as Peres said, answers which were not thought of a few moments or a few hours before. Therefore in deliberation, in negotiation, in meditation, and in prayer, let those who have seen enough of war come to our council table, come to the Darjeeling Council, and review not only current events but the records of karma which manifest today as cosmic justice in the Middle East and yet appear to some to be injustice.

Let the dignity and the worth of the individual be recognized. Let the Palestinians be recognized not necessarily with or without nationhood, but let the recognition be of the Christ flame within the heart, of the worth of the soul. Let the recognition be of the goal. Let the recognition be of every segment of life—Christian, Jew, and Moslem. Understand, then, that when people’s hearts are right, when they are attuned to God, then they are without fear, and without fear they will proceed boldly and deliberately for the resolution of conflict. But when people bring to the negotiating table their hatred, their self-concern, their desire for self-gain or to preserve the name of the ego then, beloved ones, the treaties that are signed may only reflect portions of the human consciousness perhaps imbued by some truth, and yet not all.
Let the dignity and the worth of the individual be recognized. Let the Palestinians be recognized not necessarily with or without nationhood, but let the recognition be of the [[threefold flame|Christ flame]] within the heart, of the worth of the soul. Let the recognition be of the goal. Let the recognition be of every segment of life—Christian, Jew, and Moslem. Understand, then, that when people’s hearts are right, when they are attuned to God, then they are without fear, and without fear they will proceed boldly and deliberately for the resolution of conflict. But when people bring to the negotiating table their hatred, their self-concern, their desire for self-gain or to preserve the name of the ego then, beloved ones, the treaties that are signed may only reflect portions of the human consciousness perhaps imbued by some truth, and yet not all.

Let the student body, then, visualize the conference table with the violet flame burning in the center and all who come to negotiate as representatives of the Christ Self of the people, and of the Great White Brotherhood, and of the I AM Presence. Let all who come symbolically and actually surrender the human consciousness with its differences and divisions into the great flame, the violet light released instantaneously from the very Source of their own I AM God Presence. And as the violet flame burns in the center, so let the great virtues, the qualities, and the oneness of their hearts locked in their causal bodies descend into the vacuum that is created when the violet flame clears away the debris of that human consciousness.
Let the student body, then, visualize the conference table with the violet flame burning in the center and all who come to negotiate as representatives of the [[Christ Self]] of the people, and of the [[Great White Brotherhood]], and of the [[I AM Presence]]. Let all who come symbolically and actually surrender the human consciousness with its differences and divisions into the great flame, the violet light released instantaneously from the very Source of their own I AM God Presence. And as the violet flame burns in the center, so let the great virtues, the qualities, and the oneness of their hearts locked in their causal bodies descend into the vacuum that is created when the violet flame clears away the debris of that human consciousness.

Precious ones, though they be well-intended they know not how to call. Therefore I say to you, call in the name of their own individual Christ Self and I AM Presence. Stand with these. Offer yourselves as coordinates of the members of the delegations who will come from the Arab nations, many of whom are very concerned lest they lose position, power, or that focal point that is the fulcrum of control, man-made control, in the Middle East.
Precious ones, though they be well-intended they know not how to call. Therefore I say to you, call in the name of their own individual Christ Self and I AM Presence. Stand with these. Offer yourselves as coordinates of the members of the delegations who will come from the Arab nations, many of whom are very concerned lest they lose position, power, or that focal point that is the fulcrum of control, man-made control, in the Middle East.

I ask you to invoke fearlessness flame around the nations of the East, around every individual Moslem, Jew, and Christian who has suffered, and especially around those who have passed from the screen of life and who have not been taken to the octaves of light because there are not sufficient souls living within the Middle East these days to counteract those who have been passing from the screen of life, some who have been brutally slaughtered, once again crucified for the Lord Christ. For though they be Jew or Gentile or Moslem, one and all have that Christ Presence, that Real Self, for whom the blood has been shed since the very release of the Christ Self from the heart of God.
I ask you to invoke [[fearlessness flame]] around the nations of the East, around every individual Moslem, Jew, and Christian who has suffered, and especially around those who have passed from the screen of life and who have not been taken to the octaves of light because there are not sufficient souls living within the Middle East these days to counteract those who have been passing from the screen of life, some who have been brutally slaughtered, once again crucified for the Lord Christ. For though they be Jew or Gentile or Moslem, one and all have that Christ Presence, that Real Self, for whom the blood has been shed since the very release of the Christ Self from the heart of God.

Beloved ones, some of you understand that some of the evolutions of the Middle East have been those lifewaves who have come from the planet which you call Maldek, the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Therefore you see it is the entrenched forces of the laggard generations who have separated the light of God from the people and who have not worked diligently for peace, but rather have worked for power. In and among them there are great lights and souls of stature and attainment. These souls are the true descendants of the house of Israel, and they have gathered also in the Middle East for the redemption of all peoples and especially the evolutions of varying degrees of enlightenment who have recently and in past centuries evolved there.
Beloved ones, some of you understand that some of the evolutions of the Middle East have been those lifewaves who have come from the planet which you call Maldek, the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Therefore you see it is the entrenched forces of the laggard generations who have separated the light of God from the people and who have not worked diligently for peace, but rather have worked for power. In and among them there are great lights and souls of stature and attainment. These souls are the true descendants of the house of Israel, and they have gathered also in the Middle East for the redemption of all peoples and especially the evolutions of varying degrees of enlightenment who have recently and in past centuries evolved there.

And so you see, we are calling upon the concentrated energies of lightbearers who are in America, the New Jerusalem, to lend support, to lend your causal bodies and your knowledge of the law unto those who have not that knowledge. Therefore by dispensation from my causal body I, Saint Germain, give to you each one contact with that individual lifestream for whom I call upon you to hold the balance. Beloved ones, ere this dictation has concluded those of you who have already appeared before the Lords of Karma to volunteer your service in this life will receive that tie, whether you are a baby in arms or whether you are of full maturity and waiting for the Lord’s day of your ascension.
And so you see, we are calling upon the concentrated energies of lightbearers who are in America, the [[New Jerusalem]], to lend support, to lend your causal bodies and your knowledge of the law unto those who have not that knowledge. Therefore by dispensation from my causal body I, Saint Germain, give to you each one contact with that individual lifestream for whom I call upon you to hold the balance. Beloved ones, ere this dictation has concluded those of you who have already appeared before the Lords of Karma to volunteer your service in this life will receive that tie, whether you are a baby in arms or whether you are of full maturity and waiting for the Lord’s day of your ascension.

Understand, then, that when the tie is extended heart to heart and soul to soul you, then, make contact with the energies of immense turbulence and turmoil which are in the Middle East today. It is difficult for you to realize the intense passions and hatreds and weeping and wailing that continue even in the face of this apparent victory. But it will not be hard for you to imagine very long, for having established this tie you will begin to feel the waves and the currents of this turbulence. I call upon you to enter the stillness of your heart, to go into the secret chamber, to practice the exercises and meditations which have been graciously given to you in preparation for the hour when you would be called upon in a very deliberate and direct way to hold the balance for the Middle East which is the white-fire core of the very earth itself.
Understand, then, that when the tie is extended heart to heart and soul to soul you, then, make contact with the energies of immense turbulence and turmoil which are in the Middle East today. It is difficult for you to realize the intense passions and hatreds and weeping and wailing that continue even in the face of this apparent victory. But it will not be hard for you to imagine very long, for having established this tie you will begin to feel the waves and the currents of this turbulence. I call upon you to enter the stillness of your heart, to go into the secret chamber, to practice the exercises and meditations which have been graciously given to you in preparation for the hour when you would be called upon in a very deliberate and direct way to hold the balance for the Middle East which is the white-fire core of the very earth itself.
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Beloved ones, you must not only make the calls but you must realize that upon you individually—each and every one across the face of the earth—is the daily responsibility to set aside all that is not necessary to your life for the establishment of the ascended master consciousness....
Beloved ones, you must not only make the calls but you must realize that upon you individually—each and every one across the face of the earth—is the daily responsibility to set aside all that is not necessary to your life for the establishment of the ascended master consciousness....

In the early hours of this morning, I sent my messenger contact all teaching centers, for in those hours we had not the reservoir of energy to continue to stay the mounting tide darkness being fomented in the Arab world in objection to Sadat. It was as though the well had run dry just as you feel when the is not enough money in the account to pay your current bills. Beloved ones, we use every erg of energy that you invoke in your [[Keepers of the Flame]] services. And when you fail to appear Saturday night or you withdraw yourselves early, just that moment, just that much candlepower is withdrawn and the multiplication factor is reduced. We, then, have used all of the energies given hour by hour this week to allay those conditions to hold back the tide of darkness that this meeting might take place. And by four this morning we required an increase of light, and therefore we called upon you to increase your calls, and therefore I sent the call for a vigil for America and for freedom and for the resolution of differences in the Middle East to continue throughout this day until the midnight hour.<ref>Saint Germain, November 20, 1977, “We Stand for the People: Saint Germain on the Middle East,” ''Pearls of Wisdom'', vol. 21, nos. 5, 6, 7.</ref>
In the early hours of this morning, I sent my messenger contact all teaching centers, for in those hours we had not the reservoir of energy to continue to stay the mounting tide darkness being fomented in the Arab world in objection to Sadat. It was as though the well had run dry just as you feel when the is not enough money in the account to pay your current bills.  
Beloved ones, we use every erg of energy that you invoke in your [[Keepers of the Flame]] services. And when you fail to appear Saturday night or you withdraw yourselves early, just that moment, just that much candlepower is withdrawn and the multiplication factor is reduced. We, then, have used all of the energies given hour by hour this week to allay those conditions to hold back the tide of darkness that this meeting might take place. And by four this morning we required an increase of light, and therefore we called upon you to increase your calls, and therefore I sent the call for a vigil for America and for freedom and for the resolution of differences in the Middle East to continue throughout this day until the midnight hour.<ref>Saint Germain, November 20, 1977, “We Stand for the People: Saint Germain on the Middle East,” ''Pearls of Wisdom'', vol. 21, nos. 5, 6, 7.</ref>

