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| चौथी किरण
| चौथी किरण
| [[Special:MyLanguage/Purity and Astrea|प्यूरिटी और एस्ट्रिया]]
| [[Special:MyLanguage/Purity and Astrea|प्यूरिटी और एस्ट्रिया]]
| [[Purity and Astrea's retreat|Near Gulf of Archangel, southeast arm of White Sea, Russia]]
| [[Special:MyLanguage/Purity and Astrea's retreat|प्यूरिटी और एस्ट्रिया का आश्रय स्थल|अर्चेल की खाड़ी के पास, व्हाइट सी की दक्षिण-पूर्वी शाखा, रूस]]
| Fifth Ray
| पांचवीं किरण
| [[Cyclopea and Virginia]]
| [[Cyclopea and Virginia]]
| [[Cyclopea and Virginia's retreat|Altai Range where China, Siberia, and Mongolia meet, near Tabun Bogdo]]
| [[Cyclopea and Virginia's retreat|Altai Range where China, Siberia, and Mongolia meet, near Tabun Bogdo]]
