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Created page with "El fuego de la Kundalini que se encuentra, como una serpiente enroscada, en el Special:MyLanguage/base-of-the-spine chakra|chakra de la base..."
(Created page with "Fuego sagrado")
(Created page with "El fuego de la Kundalini que se encuentra, como una serpiente enroscada, en el Special:MyLanguage/base-of-the-spine chakra|chakra de la base...")
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The [[Kundalini]] fire that lies as the coiled serpent in the [[base-of-the-spine chakra]] (Mūlādhāra) and rises through spiritual purity and self-mastery to the [[crown chakra]], quickening the spiritual centers on the way. God, light, life, energy, the [[I AM THAT I AM]]. “Our God is a consuming fire.<ref>Heb. 12:29.</ref>  
El fuego de la [[Special:MyLanguage/Kundalini|Kundalini]] que se encuentra, como una serpiente enroscada, en el [[Special:MyLanguage/base-of-the-spine chakra|chakra de la base de la columna]] (el Muladhara), y que se eleva, con pureza espiritual y automaestría, al chakra de la coronilla, acelerando los centros espirituales a su paso. Dios, luz, vida, energía, el [[Special:MyLanguage/I AM THAT I AM|YO SOY EL QUE YO SOY]]. «Nuestro Dios es un fuego consumidor.»<ref>Hebreos 12:29.</ref>  

The sacred fire is the precipitation of the [[Holy Ghost]] for the baptism of souls, for purification, for [[alchemy]] and [[transmutation]], and for the realization of the [[ascension]], the sacred ritual of the return to the One.
The sacred fire is the precipitation of the [[Holy Ghost]] for the baptism of souls, for purification, for [[alchemy]] and [[transmutation]], and for the realization of the [[ascension]], the sacred ritual of the return to the One.