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Created page with ""सृष्टि के शुरुआत में ईश्वर ने स्वर्ग और पृथ्वी की रचना की" - और इसी के साथ क्रिया-प्रतिक्रिया-पारस्परिक क्रिया का भी प्रारम्भ हुआ। ईश्वर प्रथम कारण थे और उन्होंने प्रथम कर्म बनाया। स..."
(Created page with "{{main-hi|God|ईश्वर}}")
(Created page with ""सृष्टि के शुरुआत में ईश्वर ने स्वर्ग और पृथ्वी की रचना की" - और इसी के साथ क्रिया-प्रतिक्रिया-पारस्परिक क्रिया का भी प्रारम्भ हुआ। ईश्वर प्रथम कारण थे और उन्होंने प्रथम कर्म बनाया। स...")
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“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” —and the chain of action-reaction-interaction was begun. God, the First Cause, created the first karma. By his will to be, God willed into being both Creator and creation and thereby set in motion the eternal movement of his energy—karma. By God’s eternal desiring to be God, the one great Self makes permanent the law of karma in the cycles of the cosmos. God’s creation is his karma. Sons and daughters of God are the karma of the living God most high.
"सृष्टि के शुरुआत में ईश्वर ने स्वर्ग और पृथ्वी की रचना की" - और इसी के साथ क्रिया-प्रतिक्रिया-पारस्परिक क्रिया का भी प्रारम्भ हुआ। ईश्वर प्रथम कारण थे और उन्होंने प्रथम कर्म बनाया। स्वेच्छा से सृष्टिकर्ता और सृष्टि दोनों को बनाकर ईश्वर ने अपनी ऊर्जा की अविनाशी गति (कर्म) को चलायमान किया, और ब्रह्माण्ड में कर्म के नियमों को स्थायी कर दिया। सृष्टि की रचना ईश्वर का कर्म है। ईश्वर के पुत्र और पुत्रियां जीवंत ईश्वर (मनुष्य) का कर्म है।

God’s karma is the karma of perfection—perfection being the flow of harmony from Spirit to Matter and from Matter to Spirit. God’s karma, fulfilling the law of his energy in motion, can be understood as the movement of his will in an endless succession of primary forces producing secondary forces and tertiary forces and so on infinitum, from the center of his Being to the circumference and from the circumference to the center. God’s karma is the synchronization of such cosmic forces interplaying through cosmic forcefields, extending to the bounds of his habitation in Spirit and in Matter.   
God’s karma is the karma of perfection—perfection being the flow of harmony from Spirit to Matter and from Matter to Spirit. God’s karma, fulfilling the law of his energy in motion, can be understood as the movement of his will in an endless succession of primary forces producing secondary forces and tertiary forces and so on infinitum, from the center of his Being to the circumference and from the circumference to the center. God’s karma is the synchronization of such cosmic forces interplaying through cosmic forcefields, extending to the bounds of his habitation in Spirit and in Matter.   
