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<blockquote>The serious work of the undines moves on as the oceans and the rivers and the lakes, streams and rivulets and raindrops all play a part in the formation and re-formation of the body of our planet and of man, utterly dependent upon the elementals.</blockquote>
The serious work of the undines moves on as the oceans and the rivers and the lakes, streams and rivulets and raindrops all play a part in the formation and re-formation of the body of our planet and of man, utterly dependent upon the elementals.

<blockquote>The undines, who also laugh and play in the waves and waterfalls, lovingly follow the example of their hierarchs. Neptune is the king of the deep, and his consort, Luara, is mother of tides, governing cycles of fertility and the water element as it affects the emotional body (known as the water, feeling or desire body) and the communications of mankind’s joy, grief, guilt, anger and love through the astral plane, strongly influencing the collective unconscious of the race.<ref>{{CCL}}, p. 375.</ref></blockquote>
The undines, who also laugh and play in the waves and waterfalls, lovingly follow the example of their hierarchs. Neptune is the king of the deep, and his consort, Luara, is mother of tides, governing cycles of fertility and the water element as it affects the emotional body (known as the water, feeling or desire body) and the communications of mankind’s joy, grief, guilt, anger and love through the astral plane, strongly influencing the collective unconscious of the race.<ref>{{CCL}}, p. 375.</ref>

== Freeing the undines == <!--T:10-->
== Freeing the undines == <!--T:10-->
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<blockquote>The sea is where Life begets life. The sea is the womb of the [[Cosmic Virgin]], even as it is the tomb where hieroglyphs of the collective unconscious of earth’s evolutionary chain are recorded and rerecorded for the transformation of all life. The sea is the desiring of the Mother to give birth to the children of God, and it represents the highest and the lowest of the desirings of humanity to beget God and anti-God, universal harmony or its antithesis.</blockquote>
The sea is where Life begets life. The sea is the womb of the [[Cosmic Virgin]], even as it is the tomb where hieroglyphs of the collective unconscious of earth’s evolutionary chain are recorded and rerecorded for the transformation of all life. The sea is the desiring of the Mother to give birth to the children of God, and it represents the highest and the lowest of the desirings of humanity to beget God and anti-God, universal harmony or its antithesis.

<blockquote>The seven seas are man’s desirings for wholeness in the seven planes of being. They represent the seven colors, tones and vibrations of the seven days of creation. The seas contain the [[Grund]] and the [[Ungrund]]—the formed and the unformed elements of life. The seas and the bodies of water that dot the earth with jewels of glacial blue, aquamarine and gorgeous sapphire hues actually exist in seven layered planes corresponding to the seven [[bodies of man]].</blockquote>
The seven seas are man’s desirings for wholeness in the seven planes of being. They represent the seven colors, tones and vibrations of the seven days of creation. The seas contain the [[Grund]] and the [[Ungrund]]—the formed and the unformed elements of life. The seas and the bodies of water that dot the earth with jewels of glacial blue, aquamarine and gorgeous sapphire hues actually exist in seven layered planes corresponding to the seven [[bodies of man]].

<blockquote>Elemental beings of light and angel ministrants provide the focus for the interchange of these “seven seas” with the sacred fire of the seven vehicles of man’s consciousness. Most people in your octave observe only the physical body of man, and therefore they likewise observe only the physical body of the sea.</blockquote>
Elemental beings of light and angel ministrants provide the focus for the interchange of these “seven seas” with the sacred fire of the seven vehicles of man’s consciousness. Most people in your octave observe only the physical body of man, and therefore they likewise observe only the physical body of the sea.

<blockquote>[[John the Beloved|John the Revelator]] beheld the “sea of glass like unto crystal” before the throne of the [[Ancient of Days]] and again the “sea of glass mingled with fire.”<ref>Rev. 15:2.</ref> Thus, the interchange of sacred fire and flowing water in the [[Great Central Sun]] is ever the life-giving movement of Alpha and Omega in the heart of the flaming Monad whose Presence in you is the [[I AM THAT I AM]].</blockquote>
[[John the Beloved|John the Revelator]] beheld the “sea of glass like unto crystal” before the throne of the [[Ancient of Days]] and again the “sea of glass mingled with fire.”<ref>Rev. 15:2.</ref> Thus, the interchange of sacred fire and flowing water in the [[Great Central Sun]] is ever the life-giving movement of Alpha and Omega in the heart of the flaming Monad whose Presence in you is the [[I AM THAT I AM]].

<blockquote>Thus, Father and Mother, ever begetting life, release the [[crystal cord]] as a chain of crystal light. This chain, as a mighty caduceus spanning the ocean of cosmos, is the ascending/descending spinal altar whose structure becomes the superstructure for the mental and physical vehicles of every part of life.<ref>Neptune and Luara, “Cosmic Cooperation between the Children of the Sun and Elemental Life IV,” {{POWref|23|17|, April 27, 1980}}</ref></blockquote>
Thus, Father and Mother, ever begetting life, release the [[crystal cord]] as a chain of crystal light. This chain, as a mighty caduceus spanning the ocean of cosmos, is the ascending/descending spinal altar whose structure becomes the superstructure for the mental and physical vehicles of every part of life.<ref>Neptune and Luara, “Cosmic Cooperation between the Children of the Sun and Elemental Life IV,” {{POWref|23|17|, April 27, 1980}}</ref>

== See also == <!--T:20-->
== See also == <!--T:20-->