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Created page with "Los elementales que han estado evolucionando durante miles de años a través del alma grupal de animales han llegado a identificarse con su cuerpo animal y con su conciencia..."
(Created page with "Ya sea que haya diez vacas o diez mil en las laderas de las montañas, el espíritu de grupo de cada especie continúa evolucionando; porque su evolución no está basada en n...")
(Created page with "Los elementales que han estado evolucionando durante miles de años a través del alma grupal de animales han llegado a identificarse con su cuerpo animal y con su conciencia...")
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== Elementals and animal life ==
== Elementals and animal life ==

Elementals that have been evolving for thousands of years through the group soul of animals have come to identify with their animal bodies and with their animal consciousness just as the souls of men have come to identify with the human form and consciousness. Thus the elemental that is tied to the body of a horse, a cow, a goat, a dog, or a cat thinks that he is that animal. He has lost his awareness of himself both as an elemental and as an elemental inhabiting an animal body. The domestic animal who exhibits more than ordinary talent and devotion is no doubt an imprisoned elemental who readily takes his place as a member of the family. People would no more kill their pets than they would their own children, because they are more than animal forms; they are elementals tied to animal forms—worthy of being called the friend of man.
Los elementales que han estado evolucionando durante miles de años a través del alma grupal de animales han llegado a identificarse con su cuerpo animal y con su conciencia animal, así como las almas de los hombres han llegado a identificarse con el cuerpo y la conciencia humanos. Así, el elemental que está sujeto al cuerpo de un caballo, de una vaca, de una cabra, de un perro o de un gato, piensa que él es ese animal. Ha perdido la percepción de sí mismo como elemental y como un elemental que habita en un cuerpo animal. El animal doméstico que exhibe más talento y devoción de lo normal, sin duda es un elemental aprisionado, que enseguida ocupa su lugar como un miembro de la familia. Las personas no podrían matar a sus mascotas como tampoco lo podrían hacer con sus propios hijos, porque son más que cuerpos animales; son elementales sujetos a cuerpos animales, dignos de ser llamados amigos del hombre.

Because the animal form is an imperfect matrix for the integration of the virtues of the [[Christ]] in the elemental kingdom and because the brain and nervous system are inadequate vehicles for their Self-conscious awareness of the [[Holy Spirit]], the elementals are entirely dependent upon man’s consciousness as they evolve from a state of limitation back to the unlimited awareness of Life they once knew.  And this spiritual evolution is a requirement of the Law that must be met before they can attain immortality.
Because the animal form is an imperfect matrix for the integration of the virtues of the [[Christ]] in the elemental kingdom and because the brain and nervous system are inadequate vehicles for their Self-conscious awareness of the [[Holy Spirit]], the elementals are entirely dependent upon man’s consciousness as they evolve from a state of limitation back to the unlimited awareness of Life they once knew.  And this spiritual evolution is a requirement of the Law that must be met before they can attain immortality.