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Created page with "Muchos creen hoy en día que, si el hombre manifestara un respeto universal por la vida y tuviera la voluntad de asumir la responsabilidad del sexto mandamiento («No matarás..."
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== Reverence for all life ==
== Reverence for all life ==

Many today believe that if man has a universal reverence for life and is willing to assume the responsibility of the sixth commandment, “Thou shalt not kill,”<ref>Exod. 20:13.</ref> then he will stop the slaughter and eating of animals because, ''pur et simple'', to do so is a sin against the Holy Ghost and against the Divine Mother. And until he does so, he cannot consider his life to be harmless, nor can he consider himself to be a practitioner of the science of ahimsa.   
Muchos creen hoy en día que, si el hombre manifestara un respeto universal por la vida y tuviera la voluntad de asumir la responsabilidad del sexto mandamiento («No matarás»)<ref>Ex 20:13.</ref> detendría la matanza y el consumo de animales porque hacerlo es simplemente un pecado contra el Espíritu Santo y contra la Madre Divina. Y hasta que no lo haga, no puede considerar su vida inofensiva ni puede considerarse a sí mismo un practicante de la ciencia de ahimsa.   

Others, however, are convinced that some meat in their diets, for health reasons, is necessary. Affirming the element of free will in the exercise of the Law by degrees as one is able, [[Morya]] once said that “those who choose to eat meat must give more violet flame decrees than those who don’t”—both for themselves and for animal life who are daily laying down their life for their friends, the sons of man.   
Others, however, are convinced that some meat in their diets, for health reasons, is necessary. Affirming the element of free will in the exercise of the Law by degrees as one is able, [[Morya]] once said that “those who choose to eat meat must give more violet flame decrees than those who don’t”—both for themselves and for animal life who are daily laying down their life for their friends, the sons of man.