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The Word of the Lord God released in the original fiats of creation. The release of the energies of the Word, or the Logos, through the [[throat chakra]] by the Sons of God in confirmation of that lost Word. It is written, “By thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” (Matt. 12:37) When man and woman reconsecrate the throat chakra in the affirmation of the Word of God, they become the instruments of God’s own commandments that fulfill the law of their re-creation after the image of the Son.  
The Word of the Lord God released in the original fiats of creation. The release of the energies of the Word, or the Logos, through the [[throat chakra]] by the Sons of God in confirmation of that lost Word. It is written, “By thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” (Matt. 12:37) When man and woman reconsecrate the throat chakra in the affirmation of the Word of God, they become the instruments of God’s own commandments that fulfill the law of their re-creation after the image of the Son.  
== Origins and use ==

Invocations offered by priests and priestesses of the sacred fire on [[Lemuria]] in this power of the spoken Word were originally given according to the science of the Logos. The perversion of this science in the practice of black magic occurred later, in the last days of Lemuria, bringing about the destruction of the temples of the Cosmic Virgin and the cataclysm that sank the continent. The Easter Island images are the remains, marking the site of the wars of the gods that shook the earth in those terrible days. By contrast, this science of the spoken Word was used in its pure form by the Israelites to fell the walls of Jericho. Today disciples use the power of the Word in decrees, affirmations, prayers, and mantras to draw the essence of the sacred fire from the I AM Presence, the Christ Self, and Cosmic Beings to channel God’s light into matrices of transmutation and transformation for constructive change in the planes of Matter.  
Invocations offered by priests and priestesses of the sacred fire on [[Lemuria]] in this power of the spoken Word were originally given according to the science of the Logos. The perversion of this science in the practice of black magic occurred later, in the last days of Lemuria, bringing about the destruction of the temples of the Cosmic Virgin and the cataclysm that sank the continent. The Easter Island images are the remains, marking the site of the wars of the gods that shook the earth in those terrible days. By contrast, this science of the spoken Word was used in its pure form by the Israelites to fell the walls of Jericho. Today disciples use the power of the Word in decrees, affirmations, prayers, and mantras to draw the essence of the sacred fire from the I AM Presence, the Christ Self, and Cosmic Beings to channel God’s light into matrices of transmutation and transformation for constructive change in the planes of Matter.