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Created page with "De vuelta al palacio, recibió la noticia del nacimiento de su hijo. Esa noche ordenó a su auriga que ensillara a su caballo favorito, Kanthaka. Cabalgó toda la noche y al a..."
(Created page with "Primero se encontró con un hombre muy viejo, canoso y decrépito, apoyado en un bastón; segundo, un hombre en estado lastimoso atormentado con enfermedades, tumbado en el ca...")
(Created page with "De vuelta al palacio, recibió la noticia del nacimiento de su hijo. Esa noche ordenó a su auriga que ensillara a su caballo favorito, Kanthaka. Cabalgó toda la noche y al a...")
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== Asceticism ==
== Asceticism ==

On his way back to the palace, he received news of the birth of his son, whom he named Rahula, or “obstacle.” That night he ordered his charioteer to saddle his favorite horse, Kanthaka. Before leaving the city, he went to the bedchamber for a farewell look at his sleeping wife and son. He then rode all night and at dawn assumed the guise of an ascetic, exchanging clothes with his charioteer, whom he sent back to his father’s palace.  
De vuelta al palacio, recibió la noticia del nacimiento de su hijo. Esa noche ordenó a su auriga que ensillara a su caballo favorito, Kanthaka. Cabalgó toda la noche y al amanecer asumió la apariencia de un asceta, intercambiando vestiduras con su auriga, a quien envió al palacio de su padre.  

Thus, Gautama began the life of a wandering monk. Immediately he went in search of the most learned teachers of the day to instruct him in truth, quickly mastering all they taught. Unsatisfied and restless, he determined to find a permanent truth, impervious to the illusions of the world.  
Thus, Gautama began the life of a wandering monk. Immediately he went in search of the most learned teachers of the day to instruct him in truth, quickly mastering all they taught. Unsatisfied and restless, he determined to find a permanent truth, impervious to the illusions of the world.