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(Created page with "Los retiros tienen múltiples funciones para los consejos de la jerarquía que sirven a las oleadas de vida de la Tierra. Algunos retiros están abiertos para individuos no as...")
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==Funciones de los retiros==
==Funciones de los retiros==

Retreats serve many functions for the councils of the hierarchy ministering to the lifewaves of earth. Some retreats are open to unascended mankind, whose souls may journey to these focuses in their [[etheric body]] between their incarnations on earth and in their finer bodies (during sleep or [[samadhi]]).
Los retiros tienen múltiples funciones para los consejos de la jerarquía que sirven a las oleadas de vida de la Tierra. Algunos retiros están abiertos para individuos no ascendidos, cuya alma puede viajar a esos focos en su [[Special:MyLanguage/etheric body|cuerpo etérico]] entre una encarnación y otra en la Tierra y en sus cuerpos sutiles (durante el sueño o el [[Special:MyLanguage/samadhi|samadi]]).

Many of the masters’ retreats, including their [[mystery school]]s, were anchored in the physical plane during earth’s earlier [[golden age]]s and even after the [[Great Rebellion]] of the [[fallen angels]] and [[the Fall]]. In the face of desecration and destruction of their shrines, the masters withdrew their centers and their flames to the etheric plane, hence the term “retreat.”  
Many of the masters’ retreats, including their [[mystery school]]s, were anchored in the physical plane during earth’s earlier [[golden age]]s and even after the [[Great Rebellion]] of the [[fallen angels]] and [[the Fall]]. In the face of desecration and destruction of their shrines, the masters withdrew their centers and their flames to the etheric plane, hence the term “retreat.”