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== Anjo da Anunciação ==
== Anjo da Anunciação ==

Gabriel is the Angel of Annunciation who greeted [[Mother Mary|Mary]] with the words, “Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.<ref>Luke 1:28.</ref> Gabriel salutes each mother-to-be with the glad tidings of the coming of the Christ for whom she is privileged to prepare the body temple. He places the electronic pattern of the [[Christ Self]] of the incoming child within the aura of the mother in order that the [[body elemental]]s of mother and child, under the direction of their Christ Selves, may work together to bring forth the perfect form. The angelic hosts work with the parents to anchor in the child the highest and best talents developed in previous embodiments and stored in the [[causal body]].
Gabriel é o Anjo da Anunciação, que saudou [[Mãe Maria|Maria]] com as palavras: “Salve, agraciada! O Senhor é contigo. Bendita és tu entre as mulheres”.<ref>Lucas 1:28.</ref> Gabriel saúda as futuras mães dando-lhes as boas novas da vinda do Cristo, cujo templo corpóreo elas têm o privilégio de preparar. Ele coloca o padrão eletrônico do [[Cristo Pessoal]] do nascituro na aura da mãe, para que os [[elementais do corpo]] de ambos, sob a direção dos respetivos Cristos Pessoais, trabalhem em conjunto para criar uma forma perfeita. Por sua vez, as hostes angélicas trabalham com os pais para ancorarem na criança
os melhores e mais elevados talentos que ela desenvolveu nas encarnações anteriores e estão armazenados no seu [[corpo causal]].

Although most women upon the planet today are not attuned to Gabriel’s high consciousness of purity and therefore do not hear his voice, the time is coming when all parents-to-be shall hear the annunciation of the descending Christ, and they will know that the bearing of a soul sent from God to fulfill his destiny is a high and holy calling, a responsibility from which qualified couples should not shrink.
Although most women upon the planet today are not attuned to Gabriel’s high consciousness of purity and therefore do not hear his voice, the time is coming when all parents-to-be shall hear the annunciation of the descending Christ, and they will know that the bearing of a soul sent from God to fulfill his destiny is a high and holy calling, a responsibility from which qualified couples should not shrink.
