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In the absolute sense, God never brings man to a state of slavery in order to bring him to future freedom. But in the relative sense, man brings himself there by his own self-imposed laws of limitation. And just because man has brought himself to the state of slavery, this does not allow us to conclude that by dialectical materialism he will evolve out of slavery through economic determinism. It is impossible. Man evolves out of slavery through Christ, through that liberation of the soul that is a burst of consciousness, which is the elevation of that Christ in the temple of being; that is, through confessing that he is come in the flesh in this temple.  
In the absolute sense, God never brings man to a state of slavery in order to bring him to future freedom. But in the relative sense, man brings himself there by his own self-imposed laws of limitation. And just because man has brought himself to the state of slavery, this does not allow us to conclude that by dialectical materialism he will evolve out of slavery through economic determinism. It is impossible. Man evolves out of slavery through Christ, through that liberation of the soul that is a burst of consciousness, which is the elevation of that Christ in the temple of being; that is, through confessing that he is come in the flesh in this temple.  

We can obviously see that history has followed these steps. But this has not happened according to the interpretation of Marx. This evolution has been the result of karma—the karma of ignorance of the law of the individual Christ. It was not necessary to go through these stages. These were not dependent on one another. They did not come out of this dialectic. They came out of the fact that, one by one, step-by-step, the individual was evolving a Christ consciousness, and therefore he gained a greater and greater enlightenment of the law of economics set forth by Jesus Christ and the flow of the abundant life.<ref>See lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Economic Philosophy of Jesus Christ, October 6, 1978, available from [http://ascendedmasterlibrary.org Ascended Master Library].</ref> And we have come to the greatest principle of that abundant life in the guru-chela relationship in the free-enterprise system. That is the evolution of the Christ consciousness by the cycles of Alpha and Omega, as thesis and antithesis and synthesis of the Christ within us.
We can obviously see that history has followed these steps. But this has not happened according to the interpretation of Marx. This evolution has been the result of karma—the karma of ignorance of the law of the individual Christ. It was not necessary to go through these stages. These were not dependent on one another. They did not come out of this dialectic. They came out of the fact that, one by one, step-by-step, the individual was evolving a Christ consciousness, and therefore he gained a greater and greater enlightenment of the law of economics set forth by Jesus Christ and the flow of the abundant life.<ref>See lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “The Economic Philosophy of Jesus Christ,October 6, 1978, available on DVD and audio album ''[http://store.summitlighthouse.org/the-seduction-of-socialism-and-the-responsibility-of-freedom-dvdsmp3 The Seduction of Socialism and the Responsibility of Freedom]'' and in audio from [http://www.ascendedmasterlibrary.org Ascended Master Library].</ref> And we have come to the greatest principle of that abundant life in the guru-chela relationship in the free-enterprise system. That is the evolution of the Christ consciousness by the cycles of Alpha and Omega, as thesis and antithesis and synthesis of the Christ within us.

Marx uses his theory as the justification that socialism is the next phase of economic determinism. It is not. Socialism is and ever has been the fallen state of man and woman. And with this logic, the fallen ones are trying to take from us is the foundation of the Golden Age economy and to return us to the most primitive form of life on earth. Socialism was never born in the 1850s. It has been around as the subtle lie within the being of the individual for millennia.
Marx uses his theory as the justification that socialism is the next phase of economic determinism. It is not. Socialism is and ever has been the fallen state of man and woman. And with this logic, the fallen ones are trying to take from us is the foundation of the Golden Age economy and to return us to the most primitive form of life on earth. Socialism was never born in the 1850s. It has been around as the subtle lie within the being of the individual for millennia.