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Created page with "A capital do império ficava perto do ponto onde os rios Madeira e Amazonas se encontravam na época, a 1500 metros de altitude, em um clima semitropical. A cidade foi projeta..."
(Created page with "No auge do império Atlante, '''Casimiro Poseidon''' governou Poseidonis, uma importante colônia localizada no vale do Amazonas, na América d...")
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The figure of the powerful Greek god Poseidon comes down to us from the memory of Casimir Poseidon. Poseidon, the brother of Zeus, was once the second-greatest Greek god. He was often shown holding a trident. Poseidon was known as the god of earthquakes and the god of the sea, who both caused and calmed storms. Among his titles were: “earth-shaker,” “embracer of the earth,” “loud-booming,” and “god of security.”
The figure of the powerful Greek god Poseidon comes down to us from the memory of Casimir Poseidon. Poseidon, the brother of Zeus, was once the second-greatest Greek god. He was often shown holding a trident. Poseidon was known as the god of earthquakes and the god of the sea, who both caused and calmed storms. Among his titles were: “earth-shaker,” “embracer of the earth,” “loud-booming,” and “god of security.”

The capital city of Casimir Poseidon’s empire was located near the juncture of the Madeira and Amazon Rivers, which at that time were at an altitude of 5,000 feet and in a semitropical climate. The plan of the city was in a series of concentric rings that formed “beltways” three miles apart with connecting streets raying from the center.   
A capital do império ficava perto do ponto onde os rios Madeira e Amazonas se encontravam na época, a 1500 metros de altitude, em um clima semitropical. A cidade foi projetada em círculos concêntricos que
formavam “cinturões” com uma distância de cinco quilômetros entre si, e eram interligados por ruas que partiam do centro.   

At its peak, about 12,000 years ago, the citizens of this [[Golden age|golden-age civilization]] attained great mastery over the sciences of metallurgy, chemistry and mining and were even able to precipitate their own food. Casimir Poseidon, already then an [[ascended master]], led his people in the ways of God. Among his profound instructions he gave them the motto, “Learn to love to do well, and you shall!”   
At its peak, about 12,000 years ago, the citizens of this [[Golden age|golden-age civilization]] attained great mastery over the sciences of metallurgy, chemistry and mining and were even able to precipitate their own food. Casimir Poseidon, already then an [[ascended master]], led his people in the ways of God. Among his profound instructions he gave them the motto, “Learn to love to do well, and you shall!”   
