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Created page with "Quando em 529 a.C., o conquistador asiático Cambises iniciou uma invasão brutal ao Egito, Pitágoras exilou-se na Babilônia, onde o profeta Daniel ainda era ministro do rei..."
(Created page with "No século seis a.C., foi o filósofo grego Pitágoras, o “loiro samiano” que era considerado filho de [[Special:MyLanguage/Apollo]|Apolo]]. Quando jovem, Pitágoras conve...")
(Created page with "Quando em 529 a.C., o conquistador asiático Cambises iniciou uma invasão brutal ao Egito, Pitágoras exilou-se na Babilônia, onde o profeta Daniel ainda era ministro do rei...")
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When Asian conqueror Cambyses launched a savage invasion of Egypt about 529 <small>B</small>.<small>C</small>., Pythagoras was exiled to Babylon, where the prophet Daniel still served as king’s minister. Here rabbis revealed to him the inner teachings of the [[I AM THAT I AM]] given to [[Moses]]. Zoroastrian [[magi]] tutored him in music, astronomy and the sacred science of invocation. After twelve years, Pythagoras left Babylon and founded a brotherhood of initiates at [[Crotona]], a busy Dorian seaport in southern Italy. His “city of the elect” was a [[mystery school]] of the [[Great White Brotherhood]].
Quando em 529 a.C., o conquistador asiático Cambises iniciou
uma invasão brutal ao Egito, Pitágoras exilou-se na Babilônia, onde o
profeta Daniel ainda era ministro do rei. Lá, os rabinos revelaram-lhe os
ensinamentos ocultos sobre o EU SOU O QUE EU SOU, que tinham
sido transmitidos a Moisés. Magos zoroastrianos ensinaram-lhe música,
astronomia e a ciência sagrada da invocação. Após doze anos, Pitágoras
deixou a Babilônia e fundou uma fraternidade de iniciados em Crotona,
um movimentado porto dório no sul da Itália. A sua “cidade dos
eleitos” era uma escola de mistérios da Grande Fraternidade Branca.

At Crotona, carefully selected men and women pursued a philosophy based upon the mathematical expression of universal law, illustrated in music and in the rhythm and harmony of a highly disciplined way of life. After a five-year probation of strict silence, Pythagorean “mathematicians” progressed through a series of initiations, developing the intuitive faculties of the heart whereby the son or daughter of God may become, as Pythagoras’ ''Golden Verses'' state, “a deathless God divine, mortal no more.”
At Crotona, carefully selected men and women pursued a philosophy based upon the mathematical expression of universal law, illustrated in music and in the rhythm and harmony of a highly disciplined way of life. After a five-year probation of strict silence, Pythagorean “mathematicians” progressed through a series of initiations, developing the intuitive faculties of the heart whereby the son or daughter of God may become, as Pythagoras’ ''Golden Verses'' state, “a deathless God divine, mortal no more.”
