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Created page with "Nos seus ensinamentos sobre o morador do umbral e o cinto eletrônico, Kuthumi deu-nos a chave para compreendermos a nossa psicologia. Os momentuns de carma não-transmutados..."
(Created page with "Esta dispensação atribuiu-me a tarefa de trabalhar individualmente convosco, em prol da vossa saúde mental e da cura da vossa psicologia, de forma a chegarmos, rapidamente,...")
(Created page with "Nos seus ensinamentos sobre o morador do umbral e o cinto eletrônico, Kuthumi deu-nos a chave para compreendermos a nossa psicologia. Os momentuns de carma não-transmutados...")
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nem deis dois passos para a frente e um para trás”.242
nem deis dois passos para a frente e um para trás”.242

Kuthumi has given a key to understanding our psychology in his teachings on the [[dweller-on-the-threshold]] and the electronic belt. The momentums of untransmuted karma in orbit around the “nucleus” of the [[Synthetic image|synthetic self]] (or [[carnal mind]]) form what looks like an “[[electronic belt]]” of misqualified energy around the lower portion of man’s [[physical body]].  
Nos seus ensinamentos sobre o morador do umbral e o cinto eletrônico,
Kuthumi deu-nos a chave para compreendermos a nossa psicologia. Os
momentuns de carma não-transmutados que gravitam em torno do “núcleo”
do eu sintético (ou mente carnal) formam uma espécie de “cinto eletrônico”
de energia mal qualificada, localizado ao redor da parte inferior do
corpo físico.  

Diagrammed at the point of the [[Solar-plexus chakra|solar plexus]], extending downward in a negative spiral to below the feet, this conglomerate of human creation forms a dense forcefield resembling the shape of a kettledrum. Referred to as the realm of the subconscious or the unconscious, the electronic belt contains the records of unredeemed karma from all embodiments. At the eye of this vortex of untransmuted energy is the consciousness of the anti-self personified in the dweller-on-the-threshold, which must be slain before one can attain full Christhood.
Diagrammed at the point of the [[Solar-plexus chakra|solar plexus]], extending downward in a negative spiral to below the feet, this conglomerate of human creation forms a dense forcefield resembling the shape of a kettledrum. Referred to as the realm of the subconscious or the unconscious, the electronic belt contains the records of unredeemed karma from all embodiments. At the eye of this vortex of untransmuted energy is the consciousness of the anti-self personified in the dweller-on-the-threshold, which must be slain before one can attain full Christhood.
