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God and Goddess Meru/pt: Difference between revisions

Created page with "<blockquote>Alguns de vós ocupais o lugar do escarnecedor. Escarneceis de vós mesmos. Condenais-vos por que pensais que não sois o que deveríeis ser, que não vos esforça..."
(Created page with "O Deus Meru deu um ensinamento excelente sobre a autocondenação:")
(Created page with "<blockquote>Alguns de vós ocupais o lugar do escarnecedor. Escarneceis de vós mesmos. Condenais-vos por que pensais que não sois o que deveríeis ser, que não vos esforça...")
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O Deus Meru deu um ensinamento excelente sobre a autocondenação:  
O Deus Meru deu um ensinamento excelente sobre a autocondenação:  

<blockquote>Some of you sit in the seat of the scornful. You are scornful toward yourselves. You condemn yourselves because you think you are not what you ought to be, that you have not made a great enough effort. Perhaps you forgot to pray this morning, or you did not have the time. Will you live in condemnation of yourself throughout the day? Or if you, through indiscretion, commit an act of sin for which you have sincere regret, will you be burdened by your own self-condemnation all the days of your life, thinking that you are unacceptable to the Godhead?</blockquote>
<blockquote>Alguns de vós ocupais o lugar do escarnecedor. Escarneceis de vós mesmos. Condenais-vos por que pensais que não sois o que deveríeis ser, que não vos esforçastes quanto deveríeis. Talvez tenhais vos esquecido de orar esta manhã, ou não tivestes tempo. Passareis o dia vos condenando? Ou, se devido a alguma indiscrição cometeis um pecado do qual vos arrependeis sinceramente, ficaríeis sobrecarregados pela autocondenação, todos os dias da vossa vida, pensando que não sois
aceitáveis para a Divindade?</blockquote>

<blockquote>Finally the end result of self-condemnation is rebellion against the Deity. For man cannot live in self-condemnation, and thus he must throw off what the imagines to be the angry God who is condemning him. And thus he can only find his freedom by denying God totally. But who has created this God of condemnation but man himself, in his dissatisfaction with himself?</blockquote>
<blockquote>Finally the end result of self-condemnation is rebellion against the Deity. For man cannot live in self-condemnation, and thus he must throw off what the imagines to be the angry God who is condemning him. And thus he can only find his freedom by denying God totally. But who has created this God of condemnation but man himself, in his dissatisfaction with himself?</blockquote>
