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Created page with "<blockquote>Por sermos filhos e filhas de Vênus, fomos convocados para vir para a Terra demonstrar a iniciação dos fogo sagrado e..."
(Created page with "<blockquote>E o nosso pai Enoque orou fervorosamente por nós, pedindo que conseguíssemos compreender esse ‘homem velho’, sentir a luz e entender a sua Senda. O amado hie...")
(Created page with "<blockquote>Por sermos filhos e filhas de Vênus, fomos convocados para vir para a Terra demonstrar a iniciação dos fogo sagrado e...")
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seu patrocínio, recebemos muitas iniciações, até chegar o momento, amados, em que tivemos de passar pelo [[trial by fire|teste do fogo]], na oitava física.</blockquote>
seu patrocínio, recebemos muitas iniciações, até chegar o momento, amados, em que tivemos de passar pelo [[trial by fire|teste do fogo]], na oitava física.</blockquote>

<blockquote>For we were called as sons and daughters of [[Venus (the planet)|Venus]]. We were called to demonstrate upon earth that initiation of the sacred fire and the physical fire that there might be a record on this earth and in the holy books of what truly can be the physical trial by fire. And you will note that it was not one of the Hebrews but a pagan king who did take note of the three cast into the furnace and another, a fourth, like unto the Son of God. Blessed ones, our bodies were prepared for many centuries for that initiation both at inner levels and in embodiment. And therefore when placed in that furnace our physical bodies remained untouched by the fire nor was the smell of smoke found upon our garments.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Por sermos filhos e filhas de [[Special:MyLanguage/Venus (the planet)|Vênus]], fomos convocados para vir para a Terra demonstrar a iniciação dos fogo sagrado e do fogo físico, para que houvesse um registro no planeta e nos livros sagrados, do que pode ser um teste pelo fogo físico. Observareis que não foi um hebreu, mas um rei pagão, que viu os três homens que haviam sido jogados na fornalha e um quarto que se parecia com o Filho de Deus. Seres abençoados, os nossos corpos foram preparados, durante muitos séculos, para essa iniciação, tanto em níveis  internos, como na encarnação. Quando foram lançados na fornalha, os nossos corpos físicos não foram consumidos pelo fogo e as nossas vestes não exalaram o cheiro da fumaça.</blockquote>

<blockquote>In that hour, beloved, I was therefore overshadowed by the Son of God, the integrating Christ Presence of [[Jesus]], our Lord. And the other three were the beloved Pearl and Bob and Nada. Thus, they were the three in physical form and I, the fourth, the abiding Presence.<ref>See the Book of Daniel, chapter 3, for the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and their trial by fire under king Nebuchadnezzar.</ref> And through that initiation and our successful passage through it, from that moment we did receive the acceleration of our physical bodies. And that acceleration did remain with us in succeeding embodiments all the way to this century....</blockquote>
<blockquote>In that hour, beloved, I was therefore overshadowed by the Son of God, the integrating Christ Presence of [[Jesus]], our Lord. And the other three were the beloved Pearl and Bob and Nada. Thus, they were the three in physical form and I, the fourth, the abiding Presence.<ref>See the Book of Daniel, chapter 3, for the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and their trial by fire under king Nebuchadnezzar.</ref> And through that initiation and our successful passage through it, from that moment we did receive the acceleration of our physical bodies. And that acceleration did remain with us in succeeding embodiments all the way to this century....</blockquote>
