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(Created page with "Deus é um Espírito e a alma é o potencial vivo de Deus. O requisito da alma pelo livre-arbítrio e o fato de se ter separado de Deus resultaram na descida des...")
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God is a Spirit and the soul is the living potential of God. The soul’s demand for [[free will]] and her separation from God resulted in the descent of this potential into the lowly estate of the flesh. Sown in dishonor, the soul is destined to be raised in honor to the fullness of that God-estate which is the one Spirit of all Life. The soul can be lost; Spirit can never die.  
Deus é um Espírito e a alma é o potencial vivo de Deus. O requisito
da alma pelo [[free will|livre-arbítrio]] e o fato de se ter separado de Deus resultaram na descida desse potencial para o estado inferior da carne. Semeada na desonra, a alma está destinada a elevar-se em honra até à plenitude do estado divino, que é o Espírito de toda a Vida. A alma pode perder-se, o Espírito nunca morrerá.  

The soul remains a fallen potential that must be imbued with the reality of Spirit, purified through prayer and supplication, and returned to the glory from which it descended and to the unity of the Whole. This rejoining of soul to Spirit is the [[alchemical marriage]] that determines the destiny of the self and makes it one with immortal Truth. When this ritual is fulfilled, the highest Self is enthroned as the Lord of Life and the potential of God, realized in man, is found to be the All-in-all.  
The soul remains a fallen potential that must be imbued with the reality of Spirit, purified through prayer and supplication, and returned to the glory from which it descended and to the unity of the Whole. This rejoining of soul to Spirit is the [[alchemical marriage]] that determines the destiny of the self and makes it one with immortal Truth. When this ritual is fulfilled, the highest Self is enthroned as the Lord of Life and the potential of God, realized in man, is found to be the All-in-all.  
