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Created page with "O Mestre Morya descreve a origem da alma:"
(Created page with "A alma permanece como um potencial caído que deve ser imbuído com a realidade do Espírito, purificado por meio da prece e da súplica, e que retornará à glória da qual d...")
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reunião da alma com o Espírito é o [[alchemical marriage|casamento alquímico]] que determina o destino do ser e o torna um só com a Verdade imortal. Quando esse ritual acontece, o Eu Superior é entronizado como o Senhor da Vida e o potencial de Deus, realizado no homem, é encontrado no Tudo-em-Todos.  
reunião da alma com o Espírito é o [[alchemical marriage|casamento alquímico]] que determina o destino do ser e o torna um só com a Verdade imortal. Quando esse ritual acontece, o Eu Superior é entronizado como o Senhor da Vida e o potencial de Deus, realizado no homem, é encontrado no Tudo-em-Todos.  

The master [[Morya]] describes the origin of the soul:  
O Mestre [[Special:MyLanguage/Morya|Morya]] descreve a origem da alma:  

<blockquote>Let us ... see what portion of the Infinite One has been realized in the immediate forcefield of that which you call your self. The seed of this self, of course, had to come forth from the Great God Self, for there is no other source from whence it could come. Cycling through the spheres of the great Monad of Life, the seed of self-awareness gathers skeins of light—thread by thread, wound and woven, woven and wound about the point of awareness, building an energy field. And the seed becomes a soul born out of ''S''pirit’s ''o''wn ''u''nion with ''l''ife. And the soul is a miniature sun revolving about the central sun of Universal Being....</blockquote>
<blockquote>Let us ... see what portion of the Infinite One has been realized in the immediate forcefield of that which you call your self. The seed of this self, of course, had to come forth from the Great God Self, for there is no other source from whence it could come. Cycling through the spheres of the great Monad of Life, the seed of self-awareness gathers skeins of light—thread by thread, wound and woven, woven and wound about the point of awareness, building an energy field. And the seed becomes a soul born out of ''S''pirit’s ''o''wn ''u''nion with ''l''ife. And the soul is a miniature sun revolving about the central sun of Universal Being....</blockquote>
