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<blockquote>Whereas Satan is known as the original Murderer using the murder of the lightbearers to thwart the divine plan of God in the earth, Serpent, who is also “called the Devil and Satan,” is the Archdeceiver, the original Liar and the father of lies whose philosophy of deception, based on fear and doubt, is his modus operandi in his warfare against the true Christs and the true prophets.</blockquote>  
blockquote>Enquanto Satanás é conhecido como o Assassino original usando o assassinato dos portadores da luz para frustrar o plano divino de Deus na Terra, a Serpente, que também é "chamado de Diabo e Satanás", é o Arquiimpostor, o Mentiroso original e o pai da mentira cuja filosofia do engano, baseada no medo e na dúvida, é seu modus operandi em sua guerra contra os verdadeiros Cristos e os verdadeiros profetas.</blockquote>  

<blockquote>Serpent is the Wicked One whose seed, along with Satan’s, is sown as tares among the good wheat of the Christic seed. It is this seed who are called the offspring of the vipers. “Viper” is from the Greek translation of the proper name “Serpent,” who, together with the fallen ones of his band, was cast out of heaven and took embodiment on earth where they have continued to reincarnate since the Great Rebellion.<ref>{{OSS}}, chapter 33.</ref></blockquote>
<blockquote>Serpent is the Wicked One whose seed, along with Satan’s, is sown as tares among the good wheat of the Christic seed. It is this seed who are called the offspring of the vipers. “Viper” is from the Greek translation of the proper name “Serpent,” who, together with the fallen ones of his band, was cast out of heaven and took embodiment on earth where they have continued to reincarnate since the Great Rebellion.<ref>{{OSS}}, chapter 33.</ref></blockquote>
