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Created page with "Этот ангел помогал Иисусу усиливать пламя мира и покоя во время его служения. Он был также..."
(Created page with "'''Ангел Мира''' является главой отряда ангелов, известного как '''Легион Мира'''.")
(Created page with "Этот ангел помогал Иисусу усиливать пламя мира и покоя во время его служения. Он был также...")
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== Assistance to Jesus ==
== Assistance to Jesus ==

This angel assisted [[Jesus]] in amplifying the flame of peace during his ministry. He was also one of the ministering angels who, together with [[Holy Amethyst]], kept the vigil with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. He was one of the heavenly hosts sent by God to sustain Jesus after he had prayed, saying, “Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.<ref>Luke 22:42.</ref>
Этот ангел помогал [[Jesus|Иисусу]] усиливать пламя мира и покоя во время его служения. Он был также одним из ангелов служителей, вместе со [[Holy Amethyst|Святой Аметистой]] хранившим бдение с Иисусом в Гефсиманском Саду. Он был среди посланцев из небесных сонмов, которых Бог направил поддержать Иисуса, когда тот взмолился: «Отче! о, если бы Ты благоволил пронести чашу сию мимо Меня! впрочем не Моя воля, но Твоя да будет».<ref>Лук. 22:42.</ref>

Although the Father, acting in conformity to his own Law, did not “remove this cup,” he did send his archangels and archeiai and, among others, this Angel of Peace to strengthen Jesus in his resolve to do the will of God. The fiery presence of these angels served as electrodes to magnetize the flames of peace and power, healing and truth, faith and hope and reality from Jesus’ own [[causal body]], thereby aiding Jesus in bringing the full momentum of his own light to bear upon the betrayal, the trial and the [[crucifixion]] that lay before him.
Although the Father, acting in conformity to his own Law, did not “remove this cup,” he did send his archangels and archeiai and, among others, this Angel of Peace to strengthen Jesus in his resolve to do the will of God. The fiery presence of these angels served as electrodes to magnetize the flames of peace and power, healing and truth, faith and hope and reality from Jesus’ own [[causal body]], thereby aiding Jesus in bringing the full momentum of his own light to bear upon the betrayal, the trial and the [[crucifixion]] that lay before him.