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Created page with "<blockquote>Возлюбленные, осознайте живущую внутри вашего сердца мистерию Брахмы, великого Законода..."
(Created page with "Маха Чохан говорит следующее о пребывающем с нами вселенском присутствии Брахмы:")
(Created page with "<blockquote>Возлюбленные, осознайте живущую внутри вашего сердца мистерию Брахмы, великого Законода...")
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[[Maha Chohan|Маха Чохан]] говорит следующее о пребывающем с нами вселенском присутствии Брахмы:  
[[Maha Chohan|Маха Чохан]] говорит следующее о пребывающем с нами вселенском присутствии Брахмы:  

<blockquote>Beloved ones, understand the mystery of Brahma within your heart, the great Lawgiver, the living principle of the Father, the person in the figure of the one who has the great God-mastery of the four quadrants of being. That Father whom you call Brahma is indeed the very blue plume of power within your heart. And therefore, when you say “O Lord Brahma, come forth,” beloved ones, the Lord Brahma of the universe will come forth from within your heart, from within the heart of [[Helios and Vesta]], [[Alpha]] to [[Omega,]] and every [[Sons and daughters of God|son and daughter of God]] both ascended and unascended. Understand the meaning, then, of the very person of God....</blockquote>
<blockquote>Возлюбленные, осознайте живущую внутри вашего сердца мистерию Брахмы, великого Законодателя, принципа Отца, того, кто обладает огромным Бого-овладением над четырьмя квадрантами существа. Этот Отец, которого вы называете Брахма, воистину является голубым лепестком силы в вашем сердце. Поэтому, возлюбленные, когда вы говорите: «О Господь Брахма, приди!», то Господь Брахма вселенной приходит к вам из вашего сердца, из сердца [[Helios and Vesta|Гелиоса и Весты]], [[Alpha|Альфы]] и [[Omega|Омеги]], из сердца каждого вознесенного и невознесенного [[sons and daughters of God|сына и дочери Бога]]. Поймите значение самой ипостаси Бога…

<blockquote>Understand, O blessed hearts, that that Brahma unto whom you give your call and your devotion is both an energy, a consciousness, a spirit and the living, dancing, moving image of the Hindu deity. So when you say “Brahma,” the entire Spirit of the [[Great White Brotherhood]] will answer your call in the full power of cosmic omnipotence. Do not consider that the word I use, “cosmic omnipotence,” is merely a word that you cannot comprehend. But begin to extend your flame, the flame within your heart, out, out, out into dimensions of magnitude and begin to sense the great sphere of God’s being within you extending, contacting the earth, the air, scraping as it were the very sky or head and beyond and beyond.<ref>The Maha Chohan, “I Will Be Brahma/Vishnu/Shiva Where I AM,” October 5, 1978.</ref></blockquote>
<blockquote>Understand, O blessed hearts, that that Brahma unto whom you give your call and your devotion is both an energy, a consciousness, a spirit and the living, dancing, moving image of the Hindu deity. So when you say “Brahma,” the entire Spirit of the [[Great White Brotherhood]] will answer your call in the full power of cosmic omnipotence. Do not consider that the word I use, “cosmic omnipotence,” is merely a word that you cannot comprehend. But begin to extend your flame, the flame within your heart, out, out, out into dimensions of magnitude and begin to sense the great sphere of God’s being within you extending, contacting the earth, the air, scraping as it were the very sky or head and beyond and beyond.<ref>The Maha Chohan, “I Will Be Brahma/Vishnu/Shiva Where I AM,” October 5, 1978.</ref></blockquote>