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Faith, Hope and Charity/ru: Difference between revisions

Created page with "Есть три Космические Существа, которые носят те же имена, что Археи Первого, Третьего и..."
(Created page with "Вера, Надежда И Любовь")
(Created page with "Есть три Космические Существа, которые носят те же имена, что Археи Первого, Третьего и...")
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[[File:St. Martin's Church - stained glass window.jpg|thumb|upright=1.2|Stained glass window depicting Faith, Hope and Charity]]
[[File:St. Martin's Church - stained glass window.jpg|thumb|upright=1.2|Stained glass window depicting Faith, Hope and Charity]]

There are three [[cosmic being]]s who bear these names, as well as the archeiai of the first, third and fourth rays, who assist the cosmic beings in releasing to the evolutions of earth the qualities of faith, hope and all-forgiving love.
Есть три [[cosmic being|Космические Существа]], которые носят те же имена, что Археи Первого, Третьего и Четвертого лучей, помогающие этим Космическим Существам высвобождать качества веры, надежды и всепрощающей любви для земных эволюций.

After the first three [[golden age]]s, when mankind’s consciousness descended into duality, man’s [[threefold flame]] was reduced in size by cosmic decree in order to curb his misuse of the creative potential. Through his inordinate misqualification of God’s energy, man was no longer able to sustain the balance of the qualities of [[power, wisdom and love]] (faith, hope and charity) within the threefold flame. Thus, the Christ flame became imbalanced—i.e., the plumes were not at the same height or intensity—because he had lost the [[Christ consciousness]].
After the first three [[golden age]]s, when mankind’s consciousness descended into duality, man’s [[threefold flame]] was reduced in size by cosmic decree in order to curb his misuse of the creative potential. Through his inordinate misqualification of God’s energy, man was no longer able to sustain the balance of the qualities of [[power, wisdom and love]] (faith, hope and charity) within the threefold flame. Thus, the Christ flame became imbalanced—i.e., the plumes were not at the same height or intensity—because he had lost the [[Christ consciousness]].