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Vulcan, God of Fire/ru: Difference between revisions

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The God '''Vulcan''' is a [[cosmic being]] devoted to the sacred fire and the implementation of the [[divine plan]] by the action of the fire of the [[Christ consciousness]]. He, together with his legions, serves diligently to consume those grotesque forms and impure vibrations that are released by the brothers of shadow, the powers of [[Antichrist]], against the sons of God and the manifestation of the divine plan. He also assists those who are striving to overcome, to perfect the [[caduceus]] action and to use the creative fire in the service of God and man.
Вулкан, Бог огня – это [[cosmic being|Космическое Существо]], преданное священному огню и исполнению [[divine plan|божественного плана]] с помощью действия огня [[Christ consciousness|Христо-сознания]]. Вместе со своими легионами он усердно служит, стараясь уничтожить гротескные формы и нечистые вибрации, высвобождаемые братьями тьмы, – энергии [[Antichrist|Антихриста]], направленные против сыновей Бога и осуществления божественного плана. Вулкан также помогает тем, кто стремится овладеть действием [[caduceus|кадуцея]] и использовать творческий огонь в служении Богу и человеку.

Those who would become alchemists of the sacred fire and masters of the fire element may call to the God Vulcan, who serves with Prince [[Oromasis and Diana]] in the training of the fiery [[salamander]]s as obedient servants of angels and unascended masters.
Those who would become alchemists of the sacred fire and masters of the fire element may call to the God Vulcan, who serves with Prince [[Oromasis and Diana]] in the training of the fiery [[salamander]]s as obedient servants of angels and unascended masters.