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== Gautama Buddha, the current Lord of the World ==
== Gautama Buddha, the current Lord of the World ==

[[Gautama Buddha]] holds the office of Lord of the World (referred to as “God of the Earth” in Rev. 11:4), having recently succeeded [[Sanat Kumara]], who had held the office for tens of thousands of years. His is the highest governing office of the spiritual hierarchy for the planet—and yet Lord Gautama is truly the most humble amongst the ascended masters.  
Должность Господа Мира, который в «Книге Откровения» (11:4) назван Богом Земли, занимает Гаутама Будда, пришедший недавно на смену [[Special:MyLanguage/Sanat Kumara|Санату Кумаре]], занимавшему этот пост десятки тысячелетий. Это самая высокая должность в духовной Иерархии планеты, а Господь Гаутама - воистину самый смиренный среди Вознесенных Владык.  

At inner levels, he sustains the [[threefold flame]], the divine spark, for those lifestreams who have lost the direct contact with their [[I AM Presence]] and who have made so much negative [[karma]] as to be unable to magnetize sufficient Light from the Godhead to sustain their souls’ physical incarnation on Earth. Through a filigree thread of light connecting his heart with the hearts of all God’s children, Lord Gautama nourishes the flickering flame of Life that ought to burn upon the altar of each heart with a greater magnitude of love, wisdom, and power, fed by each one’s own Christ consciousness.  
At inner levels, he sustains the [[threefold flame]], the divine spark, for those lifestreams who have lost the direct contact with their [[I AM Presence]] and who have made so much negative [[karma]] as to be unable to magnetize sufficient Light from the Godhead to sustain their souls’ physical incarnation on Earth. Through a filigree thread of light connecting his heart with the hearts of all God’s children, Lord Gautama nourishes the flickering flame of Life that ought to burn upon the altar of each heart with a greater magnitude of love, wisdom, and power, fed by each one’s own Christ consciousness.