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Darjeeling Council/ru: Difference between revisions

Created page with "Один из советов Великого Белого Братства, состоящий из ascended master|Вознесенных Вл..."
(Created page with "Дарджилингский Совет")
(Created page with "Один из советов Великого Белого Братства, состоящий из ascended master|Вознесенных Вл...")
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A council of the [[Great White Brotherhood]] consisting of [[ascended master]]s and unascended [[chela]]s headed up by [[El Morya]], its chief, headquartered in Darjeeling, India, at [[Temple of Good Will|the master’s etheric retreat]].  
Один из советов [[Great White Brotherhood|Великого Белого Братства]], состоящий из [[ascended master|Вознесенных Владык]] и невознесенных [[chela|чела]], возглавляемый Эль Морией и заседающий в Дарджилинге, Индия, в [[Temple of Good Will|эфирной священнообители этого Владыки]].  

Members include [[Mother Mary]], [[Kuan Yin]], [[Archangel Michael]], the [[Great Divine Director]], [[Serapis Bey]], [[Kuthumi]], [[Djwal Kul]] and numerous others whose objective is to train souls for world service in [[God-government]] and the economy, through international relations and the establishment of the inner Christ as the foundation for [[religion]], education, and a return to [[Golden age|golden-age]] culture in music and the arts.
Members include [[Mother Mary]], [[Kuan Yin]], [[Archangel Michael]], the [[Great Divine Director]], [[Serapis Bey]], [[Kuthumi]], [[Djwal Kul]] and numerous others whose objective is to train souls for world service in [[God-government]] and the economy, through international relations and the establishment of the inner Christ as the foundation for [[religion]], education, and a return to [[Golden age|golden-age]] culture in music and the arts.