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Created page with "Предопределяющая воля, указ, властное решение, повеление, заявление, закон, распоряжение или ре..."
(Created page with "{{Main-ru|Decree|Веление}}")
(Created page with "Предопределяющая воля, указ, властное решение, повеление, заявление, закон, распоряжение или ре...")
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''n.'' a foreordaining will, an edict or fiat, an authoritative decision, declaration, a law, ordinance or religious rule; a command or commandment.  
Предопределяющая воля, указ, властное решение, повеление, заявление, закон, распоряжение или религиозное правило; приказ, приказание, наказ; поручение; заповедь.  

''v.'' to decide, to declare, to determine or order; to ordain, to command or enjoin; to invoke the presence of God, his light/energy/consciousness, his power and protection, purity and perfection.  
''v.'' to decide, to declare, to determine or order; to ordain, to command or enjoin; to invoke the presence of God, his light/energy/consciousness, his power and protection, purity and perfection.