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Saint Germain says:  
Saint Germain says:  

<blockquote>I am an ascended being, but it has not ever been thus. Not once or twice but for many incarnations I walked the earth as you now do, confined to mortal frame and the limitations of dimensional existence. I was on [[Lemuria]] and I was on [[Atlantis]]. I have seen civilizations rise and fall. I have seen the undulations of consciousness as mankind have cycled from [[golden age]]s to primitive societies. I have seen the choices, and I have seen mankind by wrong choices squander the energies of a hundred thousand years of scientific advancement and even degrees of cosmic consciousness that transcend that which is attained by members of the most advanced religions of the day.</blockquote>
I am an ascended being, but it has not ever been thus. Not once or twice but for many incarnations I walked the earth as you now do, confined to mortal frame and the limitations of dimensional existence. I was on [[Lemuria]] and I was on [[Atlantis]]. I have seen civilizations rise and fall. I have seen the undulations of consciousness as mankind have cycled from [[golden age]]s to primitive societies. I have seen the choices, and I have seen mankind by wrong choices squander the energies of a hundred thousand years of scientific advancement and even degrees of cosmic consciousness that transcend that which is attained by members of the most advanced religions of the day.

<blockquote>Yes, I have seen the choices, and I have chosen. By right choices man and woman establish their position in hierarchy. By choosing to be free in the magnificent will of God, I won my freedom from that mortal round of incarnations and justifications of an existence outside the One. I won my freedom by that flame, that keynote of the Aquarian cycle traced by alchemists of old, that purple elixir the saints do hold....</blockquote>
Yes, I have seen the choices, and I have chosen. By right choices man and woman establish their position in hierarchy. By choosing to be free in the magnificent will of God, I won my freedom from that mortal round of incarnations and justifications of an existence outside the One. I won my freedom by that flame, that keynote of the Aquarian cycle traced by alchemists of old, that purple elixir the saints do hold....

<blockquote>You are mortal. I am immortal. The only difference between us is that I have chosen to be free, and you have yet to make the choice. We have the same potential, the same resources, the same connection to the One. I have taken mine to forge a God-identity. For long ago, the still small voice within spoke the fiat of Alpha and the living God: “Children of the One, forge your God-identity.” And in the stillness of the night, I heard the call and I answered, “I will!” And when I said, “I will,” all of cosmos echoed, “I will!” The will to be summons the vastness of the potential of being....</blockquote>
You are mortal. I am immortal. The only difference between us is that I have chosen to be free, and you have yet to make the choice. We have the same potential, the same resources, the same connection to the One. I have taken mine to forge a God-identity. For long ago, the still small voice within spoke the fiat of Alpha and the living God: “Children of the One, forge your God-identity.” And in the stillness of the night, I heard the call and I answered, “I will!” And when I said, “I will,” all of cosmos echoed, “I will!” The will to be summons the vastness of the potential of being....

<blockquote>I am Saint Germain, and I have come to claim your soul and the fires of your heart for the victory of the Aquarian age. I have set the pattern for your soul’s [[initiation]].... I am on the path of freedom. Take that path, and you will find me there. I am your teacher if you will have me.<ref>Saint Germain, “I Have Chosen to Be Free,” {{POWref|18|30}}</ref></blockquote>
I am Saint Germain, and I have come to claim your soul and the fires of your heart for the victory of the Aquarian age. I have set the pattern for your soul’s [[initiation]].... I am on the path of freedom. Take that path, and you will find me there. I am your teacher if you will have me.<ref>Saint Germain, “I Have Chosen to Be Free,” {{POWref|18|30}}</ref>

== Embodiments ==
== Embodiments ==
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In succeeding embodiments, Saint Germain and his followers, under the guidance of the Great Divine Director, rediscovered the flame and continued to guard the shrine. Later, the Great Divine Director, assisted by his disciple, established a retreat at the site of the flame and founded the House of Rakoczy, the royal house of Hungary.
In succeeding embodiments, Saint Germain and his followers, under the guidance of the Great Divine Director, rediscovered the flame and continued to guard the shrine. Later, the Great Divine Director, assisted by his disciple, established a retreat at the site of the flame and founded the House of Rakoczy, the royal house of Hungary.

[[File:Unción de David por Samuel, de Antonio González Velázquez (Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando).JPG|thumb|left|Samuel anointing David, by Velázquez]]
[[File:Eli and Samuel.jpg|thumb|left|upright|''Samuel Relating to Eli the Judgements of God upon Eli’s House'', John Singleton Copley (1780)]]
[[File:Uncion de David por Samuel de Antonio Gonzalez Velazquez.JPG|thumb|Samuel anointing David, by Antonio González Velázquez]]

=== The prophet Samuel ===
=== The prophet Samuel ===
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Samuel warned the Israelites of the dangers that would befall them through their rulers, but they still clamored for a king. Thus he anointed Saul as their leader and charged him and the people to always obey the voice of the L<small>ORD</small>. But when Saul proved to be an unfaithful servant, Samuel pronounced the L<small>ORD</small>’s judgment upon him for his disobedience and secretly anointed [[King David|David]] as king. When the prophet died, he was buried at Ramah; all of Israel mourned his passing.
Samuel warned the Israelites of the dangers that would befall them through their rulers, but they still clamored for a king. Thus he anointed Saul as their leader and charged him and the people to always obey the voice of the L<small>ORD</small>. But when Saul proved to be an unfaithful servant, Samuel pronounced the L<small>ORD</small>’s judgment upon him for his disobedience and secretly anointed [[King David|David]] as king. When the prophet died, he was buried at Ramah; all of Israel mourned his passing.

[[File:The Dream of Saint Joseph.jpg|thumb|alt=Saint Joseph, sleeping, an angel flying over him|''The Dream of Saint Joseph'', Philippe de Champaigne]]
=== Saint Joseph ===

=== Saint Joseph ===
{{main|Saint Joseph}}

Saint Germain was also embodied as Saint Joseph, the father of Jesus and husband of [[Mother Mary|Mary]]. There are few references to him in the New Testament. The Bible traces his lineage back to [[King David|David]]. It also recounts how when the angel of the Lord warned him in a dream that Herod planned to kill Jesus, Joseph heeded the warning and took his family to Egypt, returning after Herod’s death. Joseph is said to have been a carpenter and is thought to have passed on before Jesus began his public ministry. In Catholic tradition, Saint Joseph is revered as Patron of the Universal Church, and his feast is celebrated on March 19.
Saint Germain was also embodied as Saint Joseph, the father of Jesus and husband of [[Mother Mary|Mary]]. There are few references to him in the New Testament. The Bible traces his lineage back to [[King David|David]]. It also recounts how when the angel of the Lord warned him in a dream that Herod planned to kill Jesus, Joseph heeded the warning and took his family to Egypt, returning after Herod’s death. Joseph is said to have been a carpenter and is thought to have passed on before Jesus began his public ministry. In Catholic tradition, Saint Joseph is revered as Patron of the Universal Church, and his feast is celebrated on March 19.
[[File:St Alban Evesham All Saints' church.jpg|thumb|left|upright=0.5|St. Alban, stained-glass window in Evesham All Saints’ church]]

=== Saint Alban ===
=== Saint Alban ===
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Once his deed was discovered, Alban was scourged and sentenced to death. Legend says that so great a multitude gathered to witness his execution that they could not pass over a narrow bridge that had to be crossed. Alban prayed and the river parted to give passage to the crowd, whereupon his appointed executioner was converted and begged to die in his place. The request was denied and he was beheaded along with Alban.
Once his deed was discovered, Alban was scourged and sentenced to death. Legend says that so great a multitude gathered to witness his execution that they could not pass over a narrow bridge that had to be crossed. Alban prayed and the river parted to give passage to the crowd, whereupon his appointed executioner was converted and begged to die in his place. The request was denied and he was beheaded along with Alban.
Alban has been revered by the people of the Isles since his death in <small>A</small>.<small>D</small>. 303. As the Reverend Alban Butler writes in his ''Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs and other Principal Saints,'' “Our island for many ages had recourse to St. Alban as its glorious protomartyr and powerful patron with God, and acknowledged many great favours received from God, through his intercession.”

=== Teacher of Proclus ===
=== Teacher of Proclus ===

Saint Germain worked from inner planes as the Master Teacher behind the Neoplatonists. He inspired the Greek philosopher Proclus (c. <small>A</small>.<small>D</small>. 410–485), the highly honored head of Plato’s Academy at Athens. Under the Master’s tutelage, Proclus based his philosophy upon the principle that there is only one true reality—the “One,” which is God, or the Godhead, the final goal of all life’s efforts. Proclus’s writings extended to almost every department of learning, from philosophy and astronomy to mathematics and grammar. He acknowledged that his enlightenment and philosophy came from above and he believed himself to be one through whom divine revelation reached mankind.
Saint Germain worked from inner planes as the Master Teacher behind the Neoplatonists. He inspired the Greek philosopher Proclus (c. <small>A</small>.<small>D</small>. 410–485), the highly honored head of Plato’s Academy at Athens. He revealed his pupil’s previous life as a Pythagorean philosopher, also showing Proclus the sham of Constantine’s Christianity and the worth of the path of individualism (leading to the individualization of the God flame) which Christians called “paganism.”
Under the Master’s tutelage, Proclus based his philosophy upon the principle that there is only one true reality—the “One,” which is God, or the Godhead, the final goal of all life’s efforts. The philosopher said, “Beyond all bodies is the essence of soul, and beyond all souls the intellectual nature, and beyond all intellectual existences the One.”<ref>Thomas Whittaker, ''The Neo-Platonists: A Study in the History of Hellenism'', 2d ed. (Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1928), p. 165.</ref>
Proclus’s writings extended to almost every department of learning, from philosophy and astronomy to mathematics and grammar. He acknowledged that his enlightenment and philosophy came from above and he believed himself to be one through whom divine revelation reached mankind.
Proclus acknowledged that his enlightenment and philosophy came from above—indeed he believed himself to be one through whom divine revelation reached mankind. “He did not appear to be without divine inspiration,” his disciple Marinus wrote, “for he produced from his wise mouth words similar to the most thick falling snow; so that his eyes emitted a bright radiance, and the rest of his countenance participated of divine illumination.”<ref>Victor Cousin and Thomas Taylor, trans., ''Two Treatises of Proclus, The Platonic Successor'' (London: n.p., 1833), p. vi.</ref>

=== Merlin ===
=== Merlin ===

In the fifth century, Saint Germain was embodied as Merlin—alchemist, prophet and counsellor at the court of [[King Arthur]]. In a land splintered by warring chieftains and riven by Saxon invaders, Merlin led Arthur through twelve battles (which were actually twelve initiations) to unite the kingdom of Britain. He worked side by side with the king to establish the sacred fellowship of the [[Round Table]]. Under the guidance of Merlin and Arthur, Camelot was a [[mystery school]] where the knights and ladies pursued the inner unfoldment of the mysteries of the [[Holy Grail]] and a path of personal Christhood.
In the fifth century, Saint Germain was embodied as Merlin—alchemist, prophet and counsellor at the court of [[King Arthur]]. In a land splintered by warring chieftains and riven by Saxon invaders, Merlin led Arthur through twelve battles (which were actually twelve initiations) to unite the kingdom of Britain. He worked side by side with the king to establish the sacred fellowship of the [[Round Table]]. Under the guidance of Merlin and Arthur, Camelot was a [[mystery school]] where the knights and ladies pursued the inner unfoldment of the mysteries of the [[Holy Grail]] and a path of personal Christhood.
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=== Roger Bacon ===
=== Roger Bacon ===
{{Main|Roger Bacon}}

Saint Germain was Roger Bacon (1220–1292), philosopher, Franciscan monk, educational reformer and experimental scientist. In an era in which either theology or logic or both dictated the parameters of science, he promoted the experimental method, declared his belief that the world was round, and castigated the scholars and scientists of his day for their narrow-mindedness. “True knowledge stems not from the authority of others, nor from a blind allegiance to antiquated dogmas,”<ref>Henry Thomas and Dana Lee Thomas, ''Living Biographies of Great Scientists'' (Garden City, N.Y.: Nelson Doubleday, 1941), p. 15.</ref> he said. Bacon eventually left his position as a lecturer at the University of Paris and entered the Franciscan Order of Friars Minor.
Saint Germain was Roger Bacon (1220–1292), philosopher, Franciscan monk, educational reformer and experimental scientist. In an era in which either theology or logic or both dictated the parameters of science, he promoted the experimental method, declared his belief that the world was round, and castigated the scholars and scientists of his day for their narrow-mindedness. “True knowledge stems not from the authority of others, nor from a blind allegiance to antiquated dogmas,”<ref>Henry Thomas and Dana Lee Thomas, ''Living Biographies of Great Scientists'' (Garden City, N.Y.: Nelson Doubleday, 1941), p. 15.</ref> he said. Bacon eventually left his position as a lecturer at the University of Paris and entered the Franciscan Order of Friars Minor.
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Over the years Bacon gathered around himself a group of writers who were responsible for almost all of the Elizabethan literature. Some of these were part of a “secret society” he called “The Knights of the Helmet,” which had as its goal the advancement of learning by expanding the English language and creating a new literature written not in Latin but in words that Englishmen could understand. Bacon also organized the translation of the [[Bible translations|King James Version of the Bible]], determined that the common people should have the benefit of reading God’s Word for themselves.
Over the years Bacon gathered around himself a group of writers who were responsible for almost all of the Elizabethan literature. Some of these were part of a “secret society” he called “The Knights of the Helmet,” which had as its goal the advancement of learning by expanding the English language and creating a new literature written not in Latin but in words that Englishmen could understand. Bacon also organized the translation of the [[Bible translations|King James Version of the Bible]], determined that the common people should have the benefit of reading God’s Word for themselves.

Ciphers discovered in the 1890s in the original printings of the Shakespearean plays and in the works of Bacon and other Elizabethan authors reveal that Bacon wrote Shakespeare’s plays and that he was the son of Queen Elizabeth and Lord Leicester. His mother, however, fearful of an untimely loss of power, refused to acknowledge him as her heir.
Ciphers discovered in the 1890s in the original printings of the Shakespearean plays and in the works of Bacon and other Elizabethan authors reveal that Bacon wrote Shakespeare’s plays and that he was the son of Queen Elizabeth and Lord Leicester.<ref>See {{TSC}}.</ref> His mother, however, fearful of an untimely loss of power, refused to acknowledge him as her heir.

Toward the end of his life Bacon was persecuted and went unrecognized for his manifold talents. He is said to have died in 1626, but some have claimed that he secretly lived in Europe for a time after that. Triumphing over circumstances that would have destroyed lesser men, his soul entered the ritual of the ascension from the [[Rakoczy Mansion]], retreat of the [[Great Divine Director]], on May 1, 1684.
Toward the end of his life Bacon was persecuted and went unrecognized for his manifold talents. He is said to have died in 1626, but some have claimed that he secretly lived in Europe for a time after that. Triumphing over circumstances that would have destroyed lesser men, his soul entered the ritual of the ascension from the [[Rakoczy Mansion]], retreat of the [[Great Divine Director]], on May 1, 1684.

[[File:Count of St Germain.jpg|thumb|upright|Le Comte de Saint Germain]]
[[File:Count of St Germain.jpg|thumb|upright|Le Comte de Saint Germain]]
[[File:Rembrandt - De Poolse ruiter, c.1655 (Frick Collection).jpg|thumb|upright=1.2|''The Polish Rider,'' Rembrandt (c. 1655), depicting Saint Germain in his embodiment as the Wonderman of Europe<ref>Mark Prophet, December 29, 1967</ref>]]

=== The Wonderman of Europe ===
=== The Wonderman of Europe ===
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At this dawn of the [[age of Aquarius]], Saint Germain has gone before the Lords of Karma and received the opportunity to release the knowledge of the violet flame outside of the inner retreats of the Great White Brotherhood, outside of the [[mystery school]]s. Saint Germain tells us of the benefits of invoking the violet flame:  
At this dawn of the [[age of Aquarius]], Saint Germain has gone before the Lords of Karma and received the opportunity to release the knowledge of the violet flame outside of the inner retreats of the Great White Brotherhood, outside of the [[mystery school]]s. Saint Germain tells us of the benefits of invoking the violet flame:  

<blockquote>In some of you a hearty amount of karma has been balanced, in others hardness of heart has truly melted around the [[heart chakra]]. There has come a new love and a new softening, a new compassion, a new sensitivity to life, a new freedom and a new joy in pursuing that freedom. There has come about a holiness as you have contacted through my flame the priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek. There has come a melting and dissolving of certain momentums of ignorance and mental density and a turning toward a dietary path more conducive to your own God-mastery.</blockquote>
In some of you a hearty amount of karma has been balanced, in others hardness of heart has truly melted around the [[heart chakra]]. There has come a new love and a new softening, a new compassion, a new sensitivity to life, a new freedom and a new joy in pursuing that freedom. There has come about a holiness as you have contacted through my flame the priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek. There has come a melting and dissolving of certain momentums of ignorance and mental density and a turning toward a dietary path more conducive to your own God-mastery.

<blockquote>The violet flame has assisted in relationships within families. It has served to liberate some to balance old karmas and old hurts and to set individuals on their courses according to their vibration. It must be remembered that the violet flame does contain the flame of God-justice, and God-justice, of course, does contain the flame of the judgment; and thus the violet flame always comes as a two-edged sword to separate the Real from the unreal....</blockquote>
The violet flame has assisted in relationships within families. It has served to liberate some to balance old karmas and old hurts and to set individuals on their courses according to their vibration. It must be remembered that the violet flame does contain the flame of God-justice, and God-justice, of course, does contain the flame of the judgment; and thus the violet flame always comes as a two-edged [[sword]] to separate the Real from the unreal....

<blockquote>Blessed ones, it is impossible to enumerate exhaustively all of the benefits of the violet flame but there is indeed an alchemy that does take place within the personality. The violet flame goes after the schisms that cause psychological problems that go back to early childhood and previous incarnations and that have established such deep grooves within the consciousness that, in fact, they have been difficult to shake lifetime after lifetime.<ref>Saint Germain, “Keep My Purple Heart,” {{POWref|31|72}}</ref></blockquote>
Blessed ones, it is impossible to enumerate exhaustively all of the benefits of the violet flame but there is indeed an alchemy that does take place within the personality. The violet flame goes after the schisms that cause psychological problems that go back to early childhood and previous incarnations and that have established such deep grooves within the consciousness that, in fact, they have been difficult to shake lifetime after lifetime.<ref>Saint Germain, “Keep My Purple Heart,” {{POWref|31|72}}</ref>

== Alchemy ==
== Alchemy ==
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Saint Germain teaches the science of alchemy in his book ''Saint Germain On Alchemy''. He uses the [[Amethyst (gemstone)|amethyst]]—the stone of the alchemist, the stone of the Aquarian age and the violet flame. The waltzes of Strauss carry the vibration of the violet flame and will help to put you in tune with him. He has also told us that the “Rakoczy March,” by Franz Liszt, carries the flame of his heart and the formula of the violet flame.
Saint Germain teaches the science of alchemy in his book ''Saint Germain On Alchemy''. He uses the [[Amethyst (gemstone)|amethyst]]—the stone of the alchemist, the stone of the Aquarian age and the violet flame. The waltzes of Strauss carry the vibration of the violet flame and will help to put you in tune with him. He has also told us that the “Rakoczy March,” by [[Franz Liszt]], carries the flame of his heart and the formula of the violet flame.

== Retreats ==
== Retreats ==
