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Lady Kristine/ru: Difference between revisions

Created page with "<blockquote>Она была ярким светиль­ником, ревностным приверженцем не только учения, но и лично Посла..."
(Created page with "Служа в Саммит Лайтхаузе, Флоренс встретила Нормана Томаса Мил­лера и вышла за него замуж. Том г...")
(Created page with "<blockquote>Она была ярким светиль­ником, ревностным приверженцем не только учения, но и лично Посла...")
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[[File:100620M--medres.jpg|thumb|left|Флоренс Миллер]]
[[File:100620M--medres.jpg|thumb|left|Флоренс Миллер]]

<blockquote>She was just an incredible light—a magnificent devotee, not only of the teachings but of the messengers personally. Helping them to fulfill their role was her greatest joy. She thrived on challenges ... and always kept her poise through any difficult situation. It was a wonderful thing to behold.... She had that flame of accomplishment and victory and moving ahead. She was balanced, beautiful ... a great servant of light. The fervor of her dedication to the cause of world freedom and enlightenment set a high standard for all to emulate. Her devotion to God was a rare gift. It told me she had touched the hem of Christ’s garment....</blockquote>
<blockquote>Она была ярким светиль­ником, ревностным приверженцем не только учения, но и лично Послан­ников. Помогать им в исполнении их дел было для нее величайшей радостью. Она становилась только сильнее, преодолевая трудности, и не теряла самообладания, какой бы сложной ни была ситуация... Она владела пламенем свершения, победы, устремленности вперед. Она была уравновешенной, красивой... замечательным служителем света. Пыл ее преданнос­ти делу мировой свободы и просвещения является высоким примером для всеобщего подражания. Ее преданность Богу была редким даром. Это гово­рило мне о том, что она коснулась края одеяния Христа...</blockquote>

<blockquote>She was the kind of person who, in the midst of many responsibilities, would always respond spontaneously with her heart to people’s personal problems or any situation that would crop up in the course of the day.... I was extremely privileged ... to be married to the blessed Florence.</blockquote>
<blockquote>She was the kind of person who, in the midst of many responsibilities, would always respond spontaneously with her heart to people’s personal problems or any situation that would crop up in the course of the day.... I was extremely privileged ... to be married to the blessed Florence.</blockquote>