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Created page with "Quien actualmente ocupa el cargo de Maha Chohán estuvo encarnado como el poeta ciego Homero, cuyos poemas épicos, La Ilíada y La Odisea, incluyen a su llama gemela, Palas A..."
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(Created page with "Quien actualmente ocupa el cargo de Maha Chohán estuvo encarnado como el poeta ciego Homero, cuyos poemas épicos, La Ilíada y La Odisea, incluyen a su llama gemela, Palas A...")
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=== Homero ===
=== Homero ===

The one who currently holds this office of Maha Chohan was embodied as the blind poet Homer, whose epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey, include his twin flame, Pallas Athena, as a central figure. The Iliad tells the story of the last year of the Trojan War, while the Odyssey focuses on the return home of Odysseus—one of the heroes of the Trojan War.
Quien actualmente ocupa el cargo de Maha Chohán estuvo encarnado como el poeta ciego Homero, cuyos poemas épicos, La Ilíada y La Odisea, incluyen a su llama gemela, Palas Atenea, como figura central. La Ilíada cuenta la historia del último año de la guerra de Troya, mientras que La Odisea se concentra en el regreso de Odiseo, uno de los héroes de la guerra de Troya, a su hogar.

Historically, little is known about Homer, but most scholars believe he composed his poems in the eighth or ninth century <small>B.C</small>. Even at that time, Homer attuned his consciousness with the comfort flame, and the radiance he sustained with the focus of his own heart flame was a great blessing to elemental life.  
Historically, little is known about Homer, but most scholars believe he composed his poems in the eighth or ninth century <small>B.C</small>. Even at that time, Homer attuned his consciousness with the comfort flame, and the radiance he sustained with the focus of his own heart flame was a great blessing to elemental life.