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== Целительная мыслеформа ==
== Целительная мыслеформа ==

Archangel Raphael has released a healing thoughtform that is scientifically formulated to restore the inner blueprint and divine wholeness when visualized surrounding and penetrating the cells and atoms of the four lower bodies, or a specific organ. It is composed of concentric spheres of white, sapphire-blue and emerald-green sacred fire. The white sphere at the center works at inner levels to restore the injured part or the diseased organ to its original perfection. Next is the blue sphere, which establishes protection and an action of the will of God. The green outer sphere restores the flow of Spirit through Matter and brings wholeness.
Архангел Рафаил дал нам целительную мыслеформу, которая является научной формулой для восстановления внутренней светокопии и божественной целостности, когда ее визуализируют окружающей и пронизывающей клетки и атомы четырех нижних тел (или конкретного органа). Мыслеформа состоит из трех концентрических сфер священного огня – белой сферы, окруженной сапфирно-голубой, которая, в свою очередь, помещена в изумрудно-зеленую. Белая сфера в центре работает на внутренних уровнях, восстанавливая поврежденную часть или больной орган до его исходного состояния совершенства. Следующая — голубая сфера — устанавливает защиту и действие воли Бога. Зеленая внешняя сфера восстанавливает течение потока Духа через Материю и целостность.

If you or a loved one suffers an injury, call for the [[Special:MyLanguage/healing thoughtform|healing thoughtform]]: “In the name Jesus Christ, beloved Archangel Raphael, the Blessed Mother, place your healing thoughtform over [insert the name of the person].” Then visualize spheres of sacred fire descending from the heart of God as the pulsating presence of the Holy Spirit. Visualize the white-fire core centered in the scintillating, sapphire-blue flame wrapped in the emerald-green fires. The first minutes and hours after an accident are critical. Whether you keep the vigil at the bedside of a loved one or at a distance, picture the injured parts becoming whole until they are in their original healthy state. Hold this picture steady in your mind’s eye. Still all anxiety and doubt and fear and do not let any of that press in upon you. Focus totally on holding the healing thoughtform in your mind to the exclusion of all else. Affirm that God in you is beholding all as perfect and once again restored to its true image.
If you or a loved one suffers an injury, call for the [[Special:MyLanguage/healing thoughtform|healing thoughtform]]: “In the name Jesus Christ, beloved Archangel Raphael, the Blessed Mother, place your healing thoughtform over [insert the name of the person].” Then visualize spheres of sacred fire descending from the heart of God as the pulsating presence of the Holy Spirit. Visualize the white-fire core centered in the scintillating, sapphire-blue flame wrapped in the emerald-green fires. The first minutes and hours after an accident are critical. Whether you keep the vigil at the bedside of a loved one or at a distance, picture the injured parts becoming whole until they are in their original healthy state. Hold this picture steady in your mind’s eye. Still all anxiety and doubt and fear and do not let any of that press in upon you. Focus totally on holding the healing thoughtform in your mind to the exclusion of all else. Affirm that God in you is beholding all as perfect and once again restored to its true image.
