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Archangel Raphael/ru: Difference between revisions

Created page with "<blockquote>Немногие верят в науку о карме. Люди не понимают, какую ключевую роль играет карма в том, м..."
(Created page with "Рафаил объясняет ключевую роль кармы в исцелении:")
(Created page with "<blockquote>Немногие верят в науку о карме. Люди не понимают, какую ключевую роль играет карма в том, м...")
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Рафаил объясняет ключевую роль кармы в исцелении:  
Рафаил объясняет ключевую роль кармы в исцелении:  

<blockquote>Karma, beloved, is something that few understand. And many can hardly believe its science. Many will hardly understand how karma plays such a key role in whether or not a diseased situation may respond to the best of natural cures or those offered by medical science.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Немногие верят в науку о карме. Люди не понимают, какую ключевую роль играет карма в том, может ли быть исцелен человек или нет, даже если при лечении используются лучшие достижения медицины.</blockquote>

<blockquote>The ''x'' factor of the equation as to whether or not an individual will attain healing or wholeness or pass from the screen of life is this karmic circumstance. When the Law decrees that karma must be balanced and it must be balanced now, if the individual has not prepared a literal fountain of light through a momentum of devotion and light sustained in the aura, when he is bereft of that joy of service unto God, he may find himself having not enough of the light of God to consume the darkness that suddenly and swiftly is outcropping in the physical body....</blockquote>
<blockquote>The ''x'' factor of the equation as to whether or not an individual will attain healing or wholeness or pass from the screen of life is this karmic circumstance. When the Law decrees that karma must be balanced and it must be balanced now, if the individual has not prepared a literal fountain of light through a momentum of devotion and light sustained in the aura, when he is bereft of that joy of service unto God, he may find himself having not enough of the light of God to consume the darkness that suddenly and swiftly is outcropping in the physical body....</blockquote>
