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Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus/ru: Difference between revisions

Created page with "Санат Кумара закрепил луч света из своего сердца в виде связующей нити с сердцем каждого челове..."
(Created page with "== Миссия Саната Кумары на Земле ==")
(Created page with "Санат Кумара закрепил луч света из своего сердца в виде связующей нити с сердцем каждого челове...")
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== Миссия Саната Кумары на Земле ==
== Миссия Саната Кумары на Земле ==

Sanat Kumara anchored a ray of light from his heart as a thread of contact with each one evolving on the planet Earth, nourishing and sustaining that flame and assisting the Holy Christ Self to quicken the Christ consciousness. Without that assistance, mankind en masse would have gone through the second death, and the planet would have been destroyed.
Санат Кумара закрепил луч света из своего сердца в виде связующей нити с сердцем каждого человека, эволюционирующего на планете Земля, питая и поддерживая трехлепестковое пламя в людях, а также помогая Святому Я Христа пробуждать Христо-сознание. Без этой помощи человечество в своей массе уже давно прошло бы через вторую смерть, и планета была бы разрушена.

The ancient custom of the [[Special:MyLanguage/Yule log|Yule log]] has come down to us from the service rendered by Sanat Kumara who, each year, consecrated a focus of the sacred fire in the physical octaves. It became tradition for the people to come across many miles to take home a piece of the Yule log and to use it to light their fires through the coming twelve-month cycle. Thus, a focus of his physical flame was tangibly manifest in the dwelling places of the people of the earth, enabling them to have actual physical contact with a focus of the Lord of the World in their midst.
The ancient custom of the [[Special:MyLanguage/Yule log|Yule log]] has come down to us from the service rendered by Sanat Kumara who, each year, consecrated a focus of the sacred fire in the physical octaves. It became tradition for the people to come across many miles to take home a piece of the Yule log and to use it to light their fires through the coming twelve-month cycle. Thus, a focus of his physical flame was tangibly manifest in the dwelling places of the people of the earth, enabling them to have actual physical contact with a focus of the Lord of the World in their midst.
