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Created page with "13 тысяч лет тому назад Сен-Жермен, будучи верховным жрецом Храма Фиолетового Пламени на Special:MyLa..."
(Created page with "=== Верховный жрец на Атлантиде ===")
(Created page with "13 тысяч лет тому назад Сен-Жермен, будучи верховным жрецом Храма Фиолетового Пламени на Special:MyLa...")
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=== Верховный жрец на Атлантиде ===
=== Верховный жрец на Атлантиде ===

As high priest of the Violet Flame Temple on the mainland of [[Atlantis]] thirteen thousand years ago, Saint Germain sustained by his invocations and his causal body a pillar of fire, a veritable fountain of violet singing flame, which magnetized people from near and far who came to be set free from every binding condition of body, mind and soul. This they achieved by self-effort through the offering of invocations and the practice of seventh-ray rituals to the sacred fire.
13 тысяч лет тому назад Сен-Жермен, будучи верховным жрецом Храма Фиолетового Пламени на [[Special:MyLanguage/Atlantis|Атлантиде]], поддерживал с помощью призывов и собственного Каузального Тела столб огня — фонтан поющего фиолетового пламени, которое, как магнит, притягивало к себе жителей ближних и дальних окрестностей, стремившихся освободиться от всего, что сковывало тело, ум и душу. Для достижения освобождения требовалось приложить собственные усилия: обращаться с призывами к священному огню и совершать ритуалы Седьмого луча.

Those who officiated at the altar of the Violet Flame Temple were schooled in the universal priesthood of the [[Order of Melchizedek]] at Lord [[Zadkiel]]’s retreat, the [[Temple of Purification]], which stood where the island of Cuba now is. This priesthood combines the perfect religion and the perfect science. It was here that both Saint Germain and [[Jesus]] received the anointing, spoken by Zadkiel himself: “Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.”  
Those who officiated at the altar of the Violet Flame Temple were schooled in the universal priesthood of the [[Order of Melchizedek]] at Lord [[Zadkiel]]’s retreat, the [[Temple of Purification]], which stood where the island of Cuba now is. This priesthood combines the perfect religion and the perfect science. It was here that both Saint Germain and [[Jesus]] received the anointing, spoken by Zadkiel himself: “Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.”  
