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Ernon, Rai of Suern/ru: Difference between revisions

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'''Эрнон, рэй Суэрна''', воплощался 13 000 лет назад, во времена [[Special:MyLanguage/Atlantis|Атлантиды]]. Об этой выдающейся личности рассказано в книге «Гражданин двух планет» Филоса Тибетца, впервые изданной в 1899 году. Это — повесть о воплощениях [[Special:MyLanguage/Phylos the Tibetan|Филоса Тибетца]] на древней [[Special:MyLanguage/Lemuria|Лемурии]], на Атлантиде и в Америке девятнадцатого столетия.
'''Эрнон, рэй Суэрна''', воплощался 13 000 лет назад, во времена [[Special:MyLanguage/Atlantis|Атлантиды]]. Об этой выдающейся личности рассказано в книге «Гражданин двух планет» Филоса Тибетца, впервые изданной в 1899 году. Это — повесть о воплощениях [[Special:MyLanguage/Phylos the Tibetan|Филоса Тибетца]] на древней [[Special:MyLanguage/Lemuria|Лемурии]], на Атлантиде и в Америке девятнадцатого столетия.

== Embodiment at the time of Atlantis ==
== Воплощение на Антлантиде ==

Rai is an Atlantean word meaning “emperor” or “monarch.” When Phylos was embodied as Zailm on Atlantis, Rai Ernon was the emperor of the land of Suern. This land encompassed present-day India and part of Arabia. The people of Suern possessed seemingly miraculous powers, including the ability to precipitate their own food. These powers stemmed, first of all, from their strict adherence to a moral code forced upon them by their monarch. Secondly, the Suernis enjoyed these powers by the intercession of the occult adepts of the time, who were called the Sons of the Solitude.
Rai is an Atlantean word meaning “emperor” or “monarch.” When Phylos was embodied as Zailm on Atlantis, Rai Ernon was the emperor of the land of Suern. This land encompassed present-day India and part of Arabia. The people of Suern possessed seemingly miraculous powers, including the ability to precipitate their own food. These powers stemmed, first of all, from their strict adherence to a moral code forced upon them by their monarch. Secondly, the Suernis enjoyed these powers by the intercession of the occult adepts of the time, who were called the Sons of the Solitude.
