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Created page with "Дважды в год, в период зимнего и летнего солнцестояния, Владыки Кармы встречаются в Special:MyLanguage/R..."
(Created page with "Изменения климатических условий (а также ураганы, наводнения, пожары, торнадо и другие катаклиз...")
(Created page with "Дважды в год, в период зимнего и летнего солнцестояния, Владыки Кармы встречаются в Special:MyLanguage/R...")
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{{Main|Petitions to the Karmic Board}}
{{Main|Petitions to the Karmic Board}}

Twice a year, at winter and summer solstice, the Lords of Karma meet at the [[Royal Teton Retreat]] to review petitions from unascended mankind. Traditionally, students of the masters write personal petitions to the Karmic Board requesting grants of energy, dispensations and sponsorship for constructive projects and endeavors. The letters are consecrated and burned. The angels then carry the etheric matrix of these letters to the Royal Teton Retreat, where they are read by the Lords of Karma.
Дважды в год, в период зимнего и летнего солнцестояния, Владыки Кармы встречаются в [[Special:MyLanguage/Royal Teton Retreat|обители Ройял Тетон]] для рассмотрения прошений от невознесенных людей. Обычно ученики Вознесенных Владык пишут личные письма прошения в Кармическое Правление, прося дары энергии, диспенсации и покровительство для осуществления конструктивных планов и намерений. Эти письма освящаются и сжигаются. Затем ангелы относят эфирную матрицу этих писем в обитель Ройял Тетон, где Владыки Кармы читают их.

Students who are requesting assistance may offer to perform a particular service or work or make a commitment to certain [[prayer]]s and [[decree]]s that the masters can use as “seed money” for something they desire to see accomplished in the world. They may also offer a portion of their [[causal body]] as energy for the masters to use, but such an offer must be approved by the Lords of Karma. The exact percentage will be determined by the I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self.
Students who are requesting assistance may offer to perform a particular service or work or make a commitment to certain [[prayer]]s and [[decree]]s that the masters can use as “seed money” for something they desire to see accomplished in the world. They may also offer a portion of their [[causal body]] as energy for the masters to use, but such an offer must be approved by the Lords of Karma. The exact percentage will be determined by the I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self.