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[Latin for “mother”] Mater is the ''mater''-ialization of the God Flame, the means whereby Spirit acquires, ‘physically’, fourfold dimension and form through the feminine, or negative, polarity of the Godhead. The term used interchangeably with “'''Matter'''” to describe the planes of being that conform to and comprise the universal chalice, or matrix, for the descent of that Light of God which is perceived as Mother.  
(Слово, однокоренное со словом «мать».) Материя есть материализация Богопламени, средство, которым Дух «физически» приобретает четверное измерение и форму через женскую, или отрицательную, полярность Божественного Начала. Термин используется для описания планов бытия, соответствующих вселенской чаше, или матрице, и составляющих ее; сюда нисходит Свет Божий, который воспринимается как Мать.  

It is through this Mother aspect of himself that the Spirit of God, the Father, evolves the consciousness of the Christ, the only begotten Son of God, in his children as a developing Christ-Self awareness through the [[threefold flame]]—divine spark and signet of their joint-heirship to be.  
It is through this Mother aspect of himself that the Spirit of God, the Father, evolves the consciousness of the Christ, the only begotten Son of God, in his children as a developing Christ-Self awareness through the [[threefold flame]]—divine spark and signet of their joint-heirship to be.