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Created page with "<blockquote>Первый этаж храма (а в нем три этажа над уровнем земли) — это Храм Победы. Этаж этот — самы..."
(Created page with "3 июня 1960 года Эль Мория объявил диспенсацию от Special:MyLanguage/...")
(Created page with "<blockquote>Первый этаж храма (а в нем три этажа над уровнем земли) — это Храм Победы. Этаж этот — самы...")
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<blockquote>Do you see now why I have labored so long for America’s “freedom” so that the whole world may kindle its own fires of freedom on America’s torch, that from the great heart of its people grace may flow to all the family of nations—for all are the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Do you see now why I have labored so long for America’s “freedom” so that the whole world may kindle its own fires of freedom on America’s torch, that from the great heart of its people grace may flow to all the family of nations—for all are the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.</blockquote>

<blockquote>The first floor of the temple (and there are three above the earth level) is Victory’s Temple. It is the largest, and is completely circular, surrounded by huge Corinthian columns on the outside and granite artwork as lovely as the Taj Mahal itself, all within the beauty of its towering columns. Around the circular amphitheater will be glorious paintings of the great [[chohan]]s themselves and also including beloved [[Jesus]] and [[Mother Mary|Mary]], the [[archangel]]s and many others of the familiar members of the ascended host. Services here will be open to all mankind without restriction as to creed or race in keeping with the traditions of the Brotherhood.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Первый этаж храма (а в нем три этажа над уровнем земли) — это Храм Победы. Этаж этот — самый большой, совершенно круглый, окруженный с внешней стороны огромными коринфскими колоннами и гранитными произведениями искусства, такими же прекрасными, как в Тадж Махале. В круглом амфитеатре будут развешаны величественные изображения Чоханов лучей, а также возлюбленного [[Special:MyLanguage/Jesus|Иисуса]],[[Special:MyLanguage/Mother Mary| Марии]], [[Special:MyLanguage/archangel|Архангелов]] и многих других известных членов вознесенных сонмов. В соответствии с традициями Братства, проводимые здесь службы будут открыты для всех людей, вне зависимости от их вероисповедания и расы.</blockquote>

<blockquote>The second floor is dedicated to the “Holy Spirit” and as such is an “upper room” vast though it may be, dedicated to the magnificent Lord the [[Maha Chohan]]. Here the most sacred rituals shall be performed, including those which are calculated to represent the “ceremonial action” of this age over which I now preside. The anchoring of the “freedom flame” here is a gift of divine wisdom! A huge focus of “a snow-white dove” will also be anchored in this temple within which the Masters of Light shall precipitate several sacred tokens and “foci” of the sacred fire to assist in amplifying the action of the Holy Spirit within the lives of mankind—and especially those who study the laws of the sacred fire and sincerely seek to apply themselves to the unfolding of that flame of God life within the chalice of their own sacred heart!</blockquote>
<blockquote>The second floor is dedicated to the “Holy Spirit” and as such is an “upper room” vast though it may be, dedicated to the magnificent Lord the [[Maha Chohan]]. Here the most sacred rituals shall be performed, including those which are calculated to represent the “ceremonial action” of this age over which I now preside. The anchoring of the “freedom flame” here is a gift of divine wisdom! A huge focus of “a snow-white dove” will also be anchored in this temple within which the Masters of Light shall precipitate several sacred tokens and “foci” of the sacred fire to assist in amplifying the action of the Holy Spirit within the lives of mankind—and especially those who study the laws of the sacred fire and sincerely seek to apply themselves to the unfolding of that flame of God life within the chalice of their own sacred heart!</blockquote>
