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Those who sleep on in their nonthreatened state of unawareness are the greatest enemies of the people and of the outcome of the destiny of the United States. These perpetuators of the false peace who preach their “all is well” doctrine while applying a few Band-Aids to the gaping wounds of the nation’s economy are the false pastors who must be replaced in this urgent hour of world need by true shepherds<ref>Jer. 23:1–4.</ref> who will have a humility to apply themselves first to God and God’s laws and then to a new science of economics that is neither Marxist nor Keynesian but rather Christic in its orientation.  
Those who sleep on in their nonthreatened state of unawareness are the greatest enemies of the people and of the outcome of the destiny of the United States. These perpetuators of the false peace who preach their “all is well” doctrine while applying a few Band-Aids to the gaping wounds of the nation’s economy are the false pastors who must be replaced in this urgent hour of world need by true shepherds<ref>Jer. 23:1–4.</ref> who will have a humility to apply themselves first to God and God’s laws and then to a new science of economics that is neither Marxist nor Keynesian but rather Christic in its orientation.  

Inasmuch as all laws of economics proceed out of the sacred labor of the heart, the head, and the hand of the people themselves through their interaction with the Holy Spirit and their integration with the personal God of Israel, I am summoning as my disciples in the field of economics the fishermen, the farmers, the workingmen and women of America, the laborers—those who are the pillars of a great society that can yet be realized if they will put their hands to the plow of the Great Plowman and have respect for the Ox who treadeth out the corn<ref>Deut. 25:4; I Cor. 9:9, 10; I Tim. 5:18.</ref> even as He bears the burden of the karma of the world economy.<ref>Saint Germain, “The Economic Survival of the Nations,” {{POWref|23|7|, February 17, 1980}}</ref>
Inasmuch as all laws of economics proceed out of the sacred labor of the heart, the head, and the hand of the people themselves through their interaction with the Holy Spirit and their integration with the personal God of Israel, I am summoning as my disciples in the field of economics the fishermen, the farmers, the workingmen and women of America, the laborers—those who are the pillars of a great society that can yet be realized if they will put their hands to the plow of the Great Plowman and have respect for the Ox who treadeth out the corn<ref>Deut. 25:4; I Cor. 9:9, 10; I Tim. 5:18.</ref> even as He bears the burden of the karma of the world economy.
Let those who are still tethered to the reality of the sweat of the brow and the work of the hands, those whose minds have not been taken over by intellectual theories that have no relevance to the heart or to the practicalities of life come forward then and begin anew an in-depth probe of the history and the law of cycles which have governed the economic policies and the consequent rise and fall of nations. Meanwhile, let those who have made certain philosophies of economics their religion and their proponents their gods be deprogrammed from the synthetic self with its synthetic systems that have never worked and never will work, except to destroy those who espouse them.
Let us proceed from the empirical method. Let us disallow what has not worked and let us allow what does work. Communism is the dream of the [[fallen one]]s who would escape the consequences of their karma and of their neglect to integrate with the source of all life and abundance. It is not viable because it is inconsistent with [[cosmic law]], which operates independently of men’s theories or their mockeries of divine justice.
The manipulation of the free market and the free governments of nations through monopoly capitalism or corporate socialism will not work. It destroys individual creativity and snuffs out the fires of hope that ever rest in the heart of the individual as the desire to be self-sustaining in God. What will work? Well, I say, that remains for you to discover. But I will tell you this—it begins with the fundamental principle: Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap<ref>Gal. 6:7, 8.</ref>; and its corollary: Whatsoever a man soweth not, that shall he not reap.
There are too many people in every walk of life who still want something for nothing and they are willing to espouse any economic philosophy that will deliver to them immediate pleasures and material prosperity. These are not noble hearts but they whose names go down in history as the ignoble and as the destroyers of the abundant life of the soul.
Let the government and the people learn to live within their means, and let the real value of goods and services be based upon the theory and the altogether practical application of the law of the [[sacred labor]]<ref>This spiritual principle is entirely set apart from Marx’s labor theory of value, which is its perversion.</ref> performed to the glory of God who is resident within his humanity.
Let the value of life rest upon a gold standard that comes from the golden rule, which is the principle of the divine economy—do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This golden rule is applied to the gold of the heart, the golden wisdom that serves the needs of the community through love—applied love that becomes compassion, charity, and the sharing of the joys of the abundant life with those who entertain the impoverished sense.
If you ask me why the economy of America is in such a disastrous state, I will tell you that it is because not enough people care for God or for one another. They see solutions only in terms of more money and more government control and the regulation of life. But without heart or attunement with the threefold flame of Life that is the spark of each one’s divinity, the light of God does not flow to meet the needs of the people....
Angels of the seventh ray and “experts” in the application of the law of Christhood to the day-to-day problems of economics are working diligently at inner levels to heal the wounds in the body politic of the nations. Thus we repeat that it is in the influx of the sacred fire in an accelerated and rolling momentum of the [[violet flame]] invoked by [[Keepers of the Flame]], as well as in specific calls for the economy, that the answer is given.
Contrary to all of the powerful opinions of the worldly, it is in fact the light of the devotees of the ascended master teachings as well as the light of the pure prayers of all children of God that today holds together the international economy. We seek to translate this light into a practical and effective plan for a new economic foundation to be implemented in the United States and in the nations of the earth.
This calls for a massive education of the people, the overturning of the most cherished systems because they are not of God, and a banding together of those who see through the seed of the serpents who have gone forth to destroy the souls of the people through the destruction of their economic base.
Let the faculty and students of [[Summit University]] gather ... to begin to tackle these most pressing problems. Minutemen and women of the light, let us place the magnifying glass of the mind of God upon all financial affairs. Let there be an exposure of the truth and of error. Let the people be educated so that they might follow the candidates who have the courage to tell the truth as to what is the necessary course of action and what will be the disastrous consequences of neglect.
And to those who would hear me discourse on more pleasing subjects of esotericism I say, Come off of your meditation pads and get out of your ivory towers! There will be little to discuss if you fail to apply your hearts to the problems of the world distribution of oil, wheat, food, technology, and gold.
I AM Saint Germain. And to all I say, Wake up! The hour is late and the future of [[Camelot]] hangs in the balance of the economic survival of the nations.
Yours for the alchemy of the sacred labor and for the binding of the manipulators of the abundant life on earth,
<div align=center>''<big>Saint Germain</big>''<ref>Saint Germain, “The Economic Survival of the Nations,” {{POWref|23|7|, February 17, 1980}}</ref></div>