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Created page with "Useita tuhansia vuosia sitten Tyynenmeren alle uponneen Lemurian kadonneen mantereen sivilisaation perustana oli Äidin palvonta. (Jälleen 1900-luvulla oli Äidin palvonnan m..."
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(Created page with "Useita tuhansia vuosia sitten Tyynenmeren alle uponneen Lemurian kadonneen mantereen sivilisaation perustana oli Äidin palvonta. (Jälleen 1900-luvulla oli Äidin palvonnan m...")
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== Äidin palvonta ==
== Äidin palvonta ==

The cult of the Mother, destined to come into prominence in the twentieth century, was the foundation of the civilization of Lemuria—that lost continent that sank beneath the Pacific Ocean many thousands of years ago. The evolution of life in the Motherland and her colonies represented the initial thrust of Spirit into Matter on this planet. Here, where the early [[root race]]s completed the cycles of their divine plan during not one but several [[golden age]]s that reached their apex prior to the [[Fall of man]], the masculine ray (the descending spirals of [[Spirit]]) was realized through the feminine ray (the ascending spirals of [[Matter]]) in the world of form.   
Useita tuhansia vuosia sitten Tyynenmeren alle uponneen Lemurian kadonneen mantereen sivilisaation perustana oli Äidin palvonta. (Jälleen 1900-luvulla oli Äidin palvonnan määrä tulla etualalle.) Elämän evoluutio Emämaassa (Lemurialla) ja sen siirtokunnissa edusti Hengen alkuperäistä sysäystä Aineeseen tällä planeetalla. Varhaiset [[Special:MyLanguage/root race|juurirodut]] saattoivat päätökseen jumalallisen suunnitelmansa syklit useiden [[Special:MyLanguage/golden age|kultaisten aikakausien]] aikana. Kultaiset aikakaudet saavuttivat huippunsa ennen syntiinlankeemusta. Maskuliininen säde ([[Special:MyLanguage/Spirit|Hengen]] laskeutuvat spiraalit) toteutui feminiinisen säteen kautta ([[Special:MyLanguage/Matter|Aineen]] nousevat spiraalit) muodon maailmassa.   

In the main temple of Mu, the flame of the [[Divine Mother]] was enshrined as the coordinate of the flame of the Divine Father focused in the Golden City of the Sun. Perpetuating the ancient rituals of invocation to the Logos and intonation of sacred sounds and mantras of the Word, priests and priestesses of the sacred fire held the balance of cosmic forces on behalf of the lifewaves of the planet. Throughout the far-flung colonies of Mu, replicas of the temple and its flame-focus were established as shrines of the Virgin consciousness, thereby creating between the earth and the sun an arc of light, anchored in the flame below and the flame above, which conveyed the energies of the Logos necessary for the precipitation of form and substance in the planes of Matter.   
In the main temple of Mu, the flame of the [[Divine Mother]] was enshrined as the coordinate of the flame of the Divine Father focused in the Golden City of the Sun. Perpetuating the ancient rituals of invocation to the Logos and intonation of sacred sounds and mantras of the Word, priests and priestesses of the sacred fire held the balance of cosmic forces on behalf of the lifewaves of the planet. Throughout the far-flung colonies of Mu, replicas of the temple and its flame-focus were established as shrines of the Virgin consciousness, thereby creating between the earth and the sun an arc of light, anchored in the flame below and the flame above, which conveyed the energies of the Logos necessary for the precipitation of form and substance in the planes of Matter.   
