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Created page with "Ajatus Veljeskunnasta syntyi Jumalan mielessä universaalin Kristustietoisuuden kautta, joka on Logos, Suuren Valkeuden Tien puhdas Valo. Is..."
(Created page with "== Perustaminen ==")
(Created page with "Ajatus Veljeskunnasta syntyi Jumalan mielessä universaalin Kristustietoisuuden kautta, joka on Logos, Suuren Valkeuden Tien puhdas Valo. Is...")
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== Perustaminen ==
== Perustaminen ==

The idea of the Brotherhood was born in the [[mind of God]] through the universal Christ consciousness who was the Logos, the pure Light of the Great White Way. God the Father could not behold evil nor look upon iniquity, but through the Christ, he was in touch with every situation in the universe. The Christ-intelligence endowed the Father’s concept with the tangible Reality of the Great White Brotherhood. Thus was born the seamless garment of the universal Christ consciousness.   
Ajatus Veljeskunnasta syntyi [[Special:MyLanguage/mind of God|Jumalan mielessä]] universaalin Kristustietoisuuden kautta, joka on Logos, Suuren Valkeuden Tien puhdas Valo. Isä Jumala ei voinut nähdä pahaa eikä katsoa vääryyttä, mutta Kristuksen kautta hän oli yhteydessä kaikkiin maailmankaikkeuden tilanteisiin. Kristus-äly soi Isälle käsityksen Suuren Valkoisen Veljeskunnan konkreettisesta Todellisuudesta. Näin syntyi universaalin Kristustietoisuuden saumaton vaate.   

The Brotherhood is the hope of every man. It is God’s plan for the orderly expression of his love. It is his provision for the raising of the individual through the raising of the whole, as well as for the raising of the whole through the raising of the individual. It is an effective means whereby God reaches out secretly to perform his wonders of deliverance and his miracles of salvation to a world that has departed the path of righteousness.     
The Brotherhood is the hope of every man. It is God’s plan for the orderly expression of his love. It is his provision for the raising of the individual through the raising of the whole, as well as for the raising of the whole through the raising of the individual. It is an effective means whereby God reaches out secretly to perform his wonders of deliverance and his miracles of salvation to a world that has departed the path of righteousness.     
