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(Created page with "W dialogach Timajos i Kritias Platon opowiada, że ​​na „wyspie Atlantydy istniało wielkie i wspaniałe imperium”, które rządziło Afryką aż po Egipt, Europą aż...")
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==Relacje z Atlantydy==
==Relacje z Atlantydy==

In his dialogues Timaeus and Critias, Plato recounts that on “the island of Atlantis there was a great and wonderful empire” that ruled Africa as far as Egypt, Europe as far as Italy, and “parts of the continent” (thought to be a reference to America, specifically Central America, Peru, and the Valley of the Mississippi). It has been postulated that Atlantis and the small islands to its east and west formed a continuous bridge of land from America to Europe and Africa.
W dialogach Timajos i Kritias Platon opowiada, że ​​na „wyspie Atlantydy istniało wielkie i wspaniałe imperium”, które rządziło Afryką aż po Egipt, Europą aż po Włochy i „częściami kontynentu” (uważane za odniesienie do Ameryki, w szczególności Ameryki Środkowej, Peru i Doliny Mississippi). Postulowano, że Atlantyda i małe wyspy na wschód i zachód od niej utworzyły ciągły pomost lądowy z Ameryki do Europy i Afryki.

W. Scott-Elliot’s ''Story of Atlantis'' presents the records of Atlantean civilization as revealed by clairvoyance. Scott-Elliot’s book is a compilation of the discoveries of a number of students who, according to Theosophist A. P. Sinnett, were “allowed access to some maps and other records ... from the remote periods concerned” to promote the success of their work. These maps, he says, had been physically preserved by those other than the races presently occupying Europe—presumably by the Adepts who tutored students of Theosophy, although Sinnett does not specify.  
W. Scott-Elliot’s ''Story of Atlantis'' presents the records of Atlantean civilization as revealed by clairvoyance. Scott-Elliot’s book is a compilation of the discoveries of a number of students who, according to Theosophist A. P. Sinnett, were “allowed access to some maps and other records ... from the remote periods concerned” to promote the success of their work. These maps, he says, had been physically preserved by those other than the races presently occupying Europe—presumably by the Adepts who tutored students of Theosophy, although Sinnett does not specify.  
