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Created page with "Mark Prophet namalował kiedyś dla nas tę scenę przedstawiającą, jak wyglądałaby ziemia, gdyby żywiołaki nie były skłonne do skażenia i ciężaru karmy ludzkości:"
(Created page with "==Żywiołaki w złotym wieku ==")
(Created page with "Mark Prophet namalował kiedyś dla nas tę scenę przedstawiającą, jak wyglądałaby ziemia, gdyby żywiołaki nie były skłonne do skażenia i ciężaru karmy ludzkości:")
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==Żywiołaki w złotym wieku ==
==Żywiołaki w złotym wieku ==

Mark Prophet once painted that scene for us of what would earth be like if the elementals were not bowed down with pollution and the weight of mankind’s karma:  
Mark Prophet namalował kiedyś dla nas tę scenę przedstawiającą, jak wyglądałaby ziemia, gdyby żywiołaki nie były skłonne do skażenia i ciężaru karmy ludzkości:  

<blockquote>If we had followed the divine plan, we would be able to see and be friends with the nature spirits. We would not have to deal with lesser or greater storms. The ground would shed forth dew to water our crops. No rain would fall, but a dew would appear from the air. The air would be saturated with moisture, in just the right amounts everywhere on earth, and the deserts would bloom as the rose, and there would be no excess moisture, and no lack of it. It would be just right for every climate.</blockquote>
<blockquote>If we had followed the divine plan, we would be able to see and be friends with the nature spirits. We would not have to deal with lesser or greater storms. The ground would shed forth dew to water our crops. No rain would fall, but a dew would appear from the air. The air would be saturated with moisture, in just the right amounts everywhere on earth, and the deserts would bloom as the rose, and there would be no excess moisture, and no lack of it. It would be just right for every climate.</blockquote>
