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Goddess of Freedom/ru: Difference between revisions

Created page with "<blockquote>Я ЕСМЬ Божественная Мать Свободы. Я жила во многих эпохах. Я видела рабство. Я видела тира..."
(Created page with "В 1992 году Богиня Независимости сказала о ее воплощениях на Земле:")
(Created page with "<blockquote>Я ЕСМЬ Божественная Мать Свободы. Я жила во многих эпохах. Я видела рабство. Я видела тира...")
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В 1992 году Богиня Независимости сказала о ее воплощениях на Земле:
В 1992 году Богиня Независимости сказала о ее воплощениях на Земле:

<blockquote>I AM a Divine Mother of Freedom. I have lived in many ages. I have seen enslavement. I have seen tyranny. I have seen power in the hands of evil forces exclusively. You think that your rights are stepped on by this little this and this little that. Well, I tell you, beloved ones, Freedom is a new adventure on planet earth, relatively speaking, except for the past [[golden age]]s.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Я ЕСМЬ Божественная Мать Свободы. Я жила во многих эпохах. Я видела рабство. Я видела тиранию. Я видела, как вся власть была сосредоточена в руках сил зла. Вы считаете, что ваши права и свободы попираются. А я вам скажу, возлюбленные, что эта планета толком и не ведала истинной Свободы, за исключением древних золотых веков.</blockquote>

<blockquote>I have lived in an hour when I was under the fiercest of dark tyrants. And by the flame within my heart I determined with the deepest determination of my being that I would be free, that I would come out from under the yoke of these [[fallen angel]]s. I knew who they were, I recognized them and they recognized me. Therefore, they enslaved me and dealt with me with such brutality as you cannot imagine. It was difficult to convince my fellow slave companions of the evil of these fallen ones or that we must band together to overthrow them.</blockquote>
<blockquote>I have lived in an hour when I was under the fiercest of dark tyrants. And by the flame within my heart I determined with the deepest determination of my being that I would be free, that I would come out from under the yoke of these [[fallen angel]]s. I knew who they were, I recognized them and they recognized me. Therefore, they enslaved me and dealt with me with such brutality as you cannot imagine. It was difficult to convince my fellow slave companions of the evil of these fallen ones or that we must band together to overthrow them.</blockquote>
