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<blockquote>It was such a wonderful experience to me when first I came into contact with Saint Germain, when I realized that he was a vibrant, living person, a great ascended master, one who could come from the great cosmic ethers with the swiftness of blue lightning and make himself known and felt. The tangibility of this great master flooded my being, and I was wholly aware of the fact that I was in the presence of great divinity. But the one particular quality that he imparted unto me above all others, which floods my soul at this moment with wonder, is the fact that God within me had the same desire of transformation as was resident within the being of Saint Germain.</blockquote>
It was such a wonderful experience to me when first I came into contact with Saint Germain, when I realized that he was a vibrant, living person, a great ascended master, one who could come from the great cosmic ethers with the swiftness of blue lightning and make himself known and felt. The tangibility of this great master flooded my being, and I was wholly aware of the fact that I was in the presence of great divinity. But the one particular quality that he imparted unto me above all others, which floods my soul at this moment with wonder, is the fact that God within me had the same desire of transformation as was resident within the being of Saint Germain.

<blockquote>He made known unto me that it was the wonder of God’s love that would impart to me also the full stature of an ascended master. He engendered in me great faith and courage so that I had hope, when faced with many vicissitudes in the business world and in family situations,... that the great light of God would safely pull me through all those conditions and that ultimately I would be given the gift of my ascension.</blockquote>
He made known unto me that it was the wonder of God’s love that would impart to me also the full stature of an ascended master. He engendered in me great faith and courage so that I had hope, when faced with many vicissitudes in the business world and in family situations,... that the great light of God would safely pull me through all those conditions and that ultimately I would be given the gift of my ascension.

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<blockquote>Many of you who are at times afflicted by elements of doubt and shadow must recognize the constancy of the sun of your being that shines behind each cloud. You have heard it said that every cloud has a silver lining, but these words seem poor consolation at times to individuals during their moments of trial. Men must recognize the need not to necessarily make decisions during moments of trial but to wait until the clouds have rolled away and the cycle has passed.</blockquote>
Many of you who are at times afflicted by elements of doubt and shadow must recognize the constancy of the sun of your being that shines behind each cloud. You have heard it said that every cloud has a silver lining, but these words seem poor consolation at times to individuals during their moments of trial. Men must recognize the need not to necessarily make decisions during moments of trial but to wait until the clouds have rolled away and the cycle has passed.

<blockquote>The words, “This too shall pass!” are a fiat of authority that Saint Germain taught to me as an old mantra. When correctly understood and applied to life, it tends to act as an eraser to wipe the slate of life clean and to remove unwanted pictures from the consciousness. “This too shall pass!” stated three times and followed by “The light of God never fails!” three times, creates a mantra of Christ consciousness to clean the consciousness of unwanted conditions and bring forth a positive victory over negative elements that may at times be projected into one’s consciousness.</blockquote>
The words, “This too shall pass!” are a fiat of authority that Saint Germain taught to me as an old mantra. When correctly understood and applied to life, it tends to act as an eraser to wipe the slate of life clean and to remove unwanted pictures from the consciousness. “This too shall pass!” stated three times and followed by “The light of God never fails!” three times, creates a mantra of Christ consciousness to clean the consciousness of unwanted conditions and bring forth a positive victory over negative elements that may at times be projected into one’s consciousness.

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<blockquote>Oh, the glory and the surge of power, the supreme blessing, the contact with the angelic host! But, above all, was the great feeling of union with one’s own mighty [[I AM Presence]].</blockquote>
Oh, the glory and the surge of power, the supreme blessing, the contact with the angelic host! But, above all, was the great feeling of union with one’s own mighty [[I AM Presence]].

<blockquote>I recall the thought passing through my consciousness that it was similar to standing outside during the noontime and gazing up to the heavens and recognizing that not a star was visible, and then suddenly being transferred to the hour of midnight and seeing that the entire sky was full of beautiful points of light. For I became aware of regions of the cosmos not even thought of or conceived of by me before. And I felt a kinship with wonderful individual minds and hearts, a reunion with those whom I had long suffered absence from. I knew on the instant that nothing in this world was significant or worthy of anything by comparison to the ascension.</blockquote>
I recall the thought passing through my consciousness that it was similar to standing outside during the noontime and gazing up to the heavens and recognizing that not a star was visible, and then suddenly being transferred to the hour of midnight and seeing that the entire sky was full of beautiful points of light. For I became aware of regions of the cosmos not even thought of or conceived of by me before. And I felt a kinship with wonderful individual minds and hearts, a reunion with those whom I had long suffered absence from. I knew on the instant that nothing in this world was significant or worthy of anything by comparison to the ascension.

<blockquote>...The final thought that passed through my mind as I rose upward into the great light to be absorbed, was, “Oh, if I could only tell them!”... And I realized afterward, by reflection that this thought has filled the mind and consciousness of everyone who has ascended. For all have felt, “Oh, if I could only tell them!”</blockquote>
...The final thought that passed through my mind as I rose upward into the great light to be absorbed, was, “Oh, if I could only tell them!”... And I realized afterward, by reflection that this thought has filled the mind and consciousness of everyone who has ascended. For all have felt, “Oh, if I could only tell them!”

<blockquote>This is the desire that we of the ascended hosts feel—to reach down into human consciousness, with all of its density, its almost suffocating outer conditions, and to say, “Oh, do put all that you have into your search for your divinity that you might receive the blessing of the ascension at the conclusion of this life.”</blockquote>
This is the desire that we of the ascended hosts feel—to reach down into human consciousness, with all of its density, its almost suffocating outer conditions, and to say, “Oh, do put all that you have into your search for your divinity that you might receive the blessing of the ascension at the conclusion of this life.”

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<blockquote>I call to the [[Great Divine Director]] for the resurgent energies of Christ-accomplishment to be magnified and a beam of direct light substance to pass through the substance of this chair and to energize it for the space of one hour.</blockquote>
I call to the [[Great Divine Director]] for the resurgent energies of Christ-accomplishment to be magnified and a beam of direct light substance to pass through the substance of this chair and to energize it for the space of one hour.

<blockquote>Ladies and gentlemen, we have received permission from the [[Great White Brotherhood]] for an action of one percent radiation of the atomic accelerator to be anchored in this chair. We ask you to share it with one another for the coming hour.</blockquote>
Ladies and gentlemen, we have received permission from the [[Great White Brotherhood]] for an action of one percent radiation of the atomic accelerator to be anchored in this chair. We ask you to share it with one another for the coming hour.

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<blockquote>As the process of raising gradually took place, I became more and more aware of blazing light filling my entire body.... I felt the most marvelous radiant energy surge in and through me, sweeping away every vestige of resistance and imperfection and quickening my consciousness.</blockquote>
As the process of raising gradually took place, I became more and more aware of blazing light filling my entire body.... I felt the most marvelous radiant energy surge in and through me, sweeping away every vestige of resistance and imperfection and quickening my consciousness.

<blockquote>I became more and more aware of my Mighty I AM Presence until finally it stood before me visible, tangible, and very real. Steadily and powerfully, I felt my physical body drawn into and enveloped by my glorious God-Self, and when I stepped out of the cemetery, I could scarcely realize how transcendent I had become. The old human, limited activities of my consciousness were raised into that alert sense of freedom and unlimited use of wisdom and power. I was shown very clearly, now I was aware of this greater activity, that I must put it to use. Then came a still fuller sense of the freedom, beauty, joy, and service that I must render to those who still remain unascended.<ref>Ibid., pp. 248–49.</ref></blockquote>
I became more and more aware of my Mighty I AM Presence until finally it stood before me visible, tangible, and very real. Steadily and powerfully, I felt my physical body drawn into and enveloped by my glorious God-Self, and when I stepped out of the cemetery, I could scarcely realize how transcendent I had become. The old human, limited activities of my consciousness were raised into that alert sense of freedom and unlimited use of wisdom and power. I was shown very clearly, now I was aware of this greater activity, that I must put it to use. Then came a still fuller sense of the freedom, beauty, joy, and service that I must render to those who still remain unascended.<ref>Ibid., pp. 248–49.</ref>

== Her service today == <!--T:39-->
== Her service today == <!--T:39-->
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<blockquote>Some of you will recall that I was a prima donna and did a great deal of work in connection with opera.... My song today is a song of the Spirit and my voice may be heard at night in the various [[Etheric retreat|retreats]] when the members of the Great White Brotherhood are assembled together.</blockquote>
Some of you will recall that I was a prima donna and did a great deal of work in connection with opera.... My song today is a song of the Spirit and my voice may be heard at night in the various [[Etheric retreat|retreats]] when the members of the Great White Brotherhood are assembled together.

<blockquote>For ever so frequently, at the request of beloved Saint Germain and beloved Daniel Rayborn and my son and daughter and others of the ascended hosts, I still stand before the multitude of the hosts ascended and give a rendering to the heart of my own Presence. I pour forth my melodic interpretations of the universe, and I rejoice continually in the privilege of so doing.</blockquote>
For ever so frequently, at the request of beloved Saint Germain and beloved Daniel Rayborn and my son and daughter and others of the ascended hosts, I still stand before the multitude of the hosts ascended and give a rendering to the heart of my own Presence. I pour forth my melodic interpretations of the universe, and I rejoice continually in the privilege of so doing.

<blockquote>Your talents, beloved ones, are never removed from you by your ascension in the light. They are enhanced, and limitation is removed from them.</blockquote>
Your talents, beloved ones, are never removed from you by your ascension in the light. They are enhanced, and limitation is removed from them.

== See also == <!--T:44-->
== See also == <!--T:44-->