Great Divine Director novena

From TSL Encyclopedia

The following instructions for the novena to the Great Divine Director and the Great Divine Director’s mantra are taken from a Pearl of Wisdom by Saint Germain, “Divine Direction for the Path of Your Choosing,” vol. 18, no. 32.

There is a plan for you. For every child of the light, for every chela of the law, there is a divine way. But there is always the human alternative. I come with the mantra of divine direction written by my teacher and dictated to the messenger Mark L. Prophet. I bid you make the choice of entering into a novena to your own I AM Presence, to your own Real Self, to the Christed one, and to the Guru who can assist you immeasurably to define the path of your own Self-realization. I initiate you in the cycle of the thirty-three—a formula for alchemy—as an exercise in proving the path of your choosing.

Begin by placing yourself at a desk, clean and cleared, where you will not be disturbed. Take a blank sheet of white paper, and with pen in hand commune with the innermost light of your being. You can meditate upon your divine plan by visualizing a white sphere before you. Approximately two feet in diameter, this sphere is the symbol of your own cosmic consciousness which you contact in meditation.

Now address the Lords of Life, saying:

In the name of my own Real Self, the I AM THAT I AM, and the Christed one of my being, I call forth from the reservoir of my cosmic consciousness the divine plan of my life, the blueprint of being. I call to the Lords of Life, the Great Divine Director, and to Saint Germain to assist me now in the implementation of the law of cosmos as it applies to my individual identity, to my karma and my dharma, and to the circumstances of my life in time and space.

Light a candle and consecrate it to the spark of divinity which is your very own opportunity to fulfill your cosmic destiny. Let the flame be the focus of the threefold flame of love, wisdom, and power that burns on the altar of your heart. Let it be a focus of untapped resources, of energies available, idling in the nexus of decision, waiting for your command to descend as flowing fire for the crystallization of the God flame within you.

Now take your pen and set forth in your own handwriting upon the white page before you, symbolizing the white page that God has given to you as the gift of life, the goals that you desire to accomplish while the sands of opportunity yet fall in the hourglass. Measuring moment by moment the choices that you make in time and space, write down your fondest hopes, your impossible dreams, your heart’s longings, your desire for soul fulfillment, your educational goals, your spiritual and material expectations, the service you desire to render unto God and man, the mark of mastery and the record of victory that you have determined to leave behind for those who will follow you on the path of initiation.

You may write and rewrite this outline of your life, examining it for purity of motive, for its practicality, its probability, your own ability, your own willingness to summon from the God flame within the energies of commitment, co-measurement, and constancy. When you have set forth to your own satisfaction a realistic as well as an idealistic set of goals, make two copies. Place one between the pages of your Bible and consign the other to the flame of the Holy Spirit—that is, put it in the physical fire in the ritual of the ancient alchemist, that it might be secured in the etheric level of your consciousness and conveyed to the Great Divine Director and the Lords of Karma for the necessary ratification of the law of cosmos.

With your left hand on the Bible, take in your right hand the mantra for divine direction included with this Pearl and give it fourteen times. Repeat this exercise for thirty-three days. Each day at the conclusion of your meditation and mantra, take your pen and write upon another white page the thoughts of your mind, the feelings of your heart which come to you as a means of augment and to implement the goals you have set forth and to bring them into alignment with the goal of life for your lifestream held in the causal body of the Great Divine Director.

The Great Divine Director’s Mantra

In the name of my own Real Self, the I AM THAT I AM, and the Christed one of my being, I call forth from the reservoir of my cosmic consciousness the divine plan of my life, the blueprint of being. I call to the Lords of Life, to the Great Divine Director, and to Saint Germain to assist me now in the implementation of the law of cosmos as it applies to my individual identity, to my karma and my dharma, and to the circumstances of my life in time and space:

1. Divine Director, come,
Seal me in thy ray—
Guide me to my home
By thy love I pray!

Refrain (Repeat after each verse)
Thy blue belt protect my world,
Thy dazzling jewels so rare
Surround my form and adorn
With essence of thy prayer!

2. Make us one, guard each hour
Like the sun’s radiant power—
Let me be, ever free
Now and for eternity!

3. Blessed Master R.
You are near, not far—
Flood with Light, God’s own might
Radiant like a star!

4. Divine Director dear,
Give me wisdom pure—
Thy Power ever near
Helps me to endure!

5.Shed thy Light on me,
Come, make me whole—
Banner of the free,
Mold and shape my soul!

And in full faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest (3x) right here and now with full power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the light and free! Beloved I AM, beloved I AM, beloved I AM!